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"Midway in life's journey, I found myself in a dark wood, having lost the way". The Comedy of Dante Alighieri

The Middle Passage:
From Misery to Meaning in Midlife

James Hollis, PhD

This course meets the qualifications for 7 hours of continuing education


We are pleased and honored to offer a compelling course by James Hollis, PhD , a renowned lecturer, writer and Jungian Analyst.

The Middle Passage:
From Misery to Meaning in Midlife

is a luminous book which delves deeply into the questions:

Why do so many go through so much disruption in their middle years?
Why then?
Why do we consider it to be a crisis?
What does the pattern mean and how can we survive it?

The Middle Passage shows how we may pass through midlife consciously, rendering our lives more meaningful and the second half of life immeasurably richer.

Please join us in this 7 unit course.

Dante by Blake

Learning Objectives

Students will:

  • Recognize the symptomotology of critical life transitions.
  • Differentiate between outer and inner causality in such crises of self identity.
  • Discern individual contributions to relational conflict.
  • Be able to utilize the insights and tools of depth psychology to empower individuals to facilitate their own growth toward greater meaning.
  • Reframe the experience of such transitions from passive victimage to occasions for redefinition and greater autonomy.


This course consists of a post-test based upon reading the text. There is no online material to read. After you pass the post-test, you may print out your own certificate.


"One way of looking at this journey is to
observe that psyche presents us with two
large questions, one for the first half of life and one for the second. The question of the
first half of life is essentially this:
What is the world asking of me?”
That is, what do I have to do to respond
to the expectations of Mother and Father;
and, later, how do I meet the demands of
school, work and relationship? Our response
requires the development of ego strength and an operational sense of self.
The question of the second half of life,
however, is quite different:
“What, now, does the soul ask of me?

James Hollis


Splendor Solis
“The middle passage represents a time when there’s a kind of collsion that occurs inside of us, bewteen the sense of self we’ve acquired and the natural self with which we were born.”
— James Hollis


Splendor Solis


“…our culture has lost the mythic road map which helps locate a person in a larger context. Without a tribal vision of the gods, and their spiritual network, modern individuals are cut adrift to wander without guidance, without models and without assistance through the various life stages. Thus, the Middle Passage, which calls for death before rebirth, is often experienced in frightening and isolating ways, for there are no rites of passage and little help from one’s peers who are equally adrift.” (James Hollis: The Middle Passage p.23)

Splendor Solis

is approved by the:

CA BBS - California Board of Behavioral Science accepts our CE Provider Approvals through APA, NASW, and NBCC. Course meets the qualifications for hours of continuing education credit for LMFTs, LCSWs, LPCCs, and/or LEPs as required by the California Board of Behavioral Science
Florida Board of Clinical Social Work, Marriage and Family Therapy, Mental Health Counseling (BAP 753 )
NAADAC - The Association for Addiction Professionals (#575)
NBCC - National Board for Certified Counselors - www.psychceu.com has been approved by NBCC as an Approved Continuing Education Provider, ACEP No. 6055. Programs that do not qualify for NBCC credit are clearly identified. www.psychceu.com is solely responsible for all aspects of the programs. (ACEP #6055)
Texas State Board of Examiners of Professional Counselors (#1761)
The Texas Board of Social Work Examiners (#6246)

maintains responsibility for the program.



how it works

Due to the wonders of technology, the minute you submit your order over our secure line, it is encrypted, and processed safely and securely by Authorize.net, a secure web processor. Or, if you prefer, call us toll-free 888-777-3773.

You will immediately receive confirmation of your order, your password and how to access the course material. (Please do not block e-mails from classes@psychceu.com, orders@psychceu.com and info@psychceu.com)

If you ordered an online course, you can begin to take the course immediately.

You will receive instructions, via e-mail, on how to take your test online.

Contact us or call if you need technical support.

Your test will be graded online, so the moment you have passed, you may print out your certificate of completion.

That's it! You are done!


To receive credit students must
  • register for the course (order on-line or call toll-free 888-777-3773), after which you will receive the Post-Test.
  • the cost of the course is $97, the ebook is included
  • read The Middle Passage: From Misery to Meaning in Midlife

* Paperback: 128 pages
* Publisher: Inner City Books; (March 1993)
* ISBN: 0919123600
* Average Customer Review:

  • Pass the post-test
  • Upon passing the test, print your own certificate of completion.



We are all familiar with the media's portrayal of a mid-life crisis. The individual in the midst of such a life changing process can look desperate, foolish, depressed and most certainly capable of doing things that are out of character. Unfortunately these characterizations don1t do justice to the psychological power that lies behind the issues at mid-life.
Hollis, in his book, The Middle Passage, does a superb job of describing the struggles we face as we enter our "second adulthood." This second adulthood is a chance to live out our true selves, less encumbered by the "shoulds, musts and expectations" of our families and of our culture. The process of reassessing our lives at mid-life means old choices are questioned. Some seem right for this, our second adulthood, but others may appear to be stifling and no longer enhancing to our well being. When to stay the course and when to make mid-course corrections is what the "crisis" is all about. Hollis does a fine job of describing our dilemmas at mid-life as well as suggesting paths to find our way.



APA Ethics

We do adhere to the American Psychological Association's Ethical Principles of Psychologists. Our courses are carefully screened by the Planning Committee to adhere to APA standards. We also require authors who compose Internet courses specifically for us follow APA ethical standards.

Many of our courses contain case material, and may use the methods of qualitative research and analysis, in-depth interviews and ethnographic studies. The psychotherapeutic techniques depicted may include play therapy, sandplay therapy, dream analysis, drawing analysis, client and therapist self-report, etc. The materials presented may be considered non-traditional and may be controversial, and may not have widespread endorsement within the profession. www.psychceu.com maintains responsibility for the program and its content.

James Hollis, Ph.D., has a Diploma in Analytical Psychology from the C. G. jung Institute in Zurich. He is the acclaimed best-selling author of "The Eden Project: In Search of the Magical Other," "Creating a Life; Finding Your Individual Path," "Middle Passage: From Misery to Meaning in Midlife," "Swamplands of the Soul: New Life in Dismal Places," "Under Saturn's Shadow: The Wounding and Healing of Men," "Tracking the Gods: The Place of Myth in Modern Life," "The Archetypal Imagination," and "On This Journey We Call Our Life; Living the Questions." He lives and practices in Houston, where he is a Senior Training Analyst of the Inter-Regional Society of Jungian Analysts, and the Director of the C. G. Jung Educational Center.

Visit Dr. Hollis's website

Other courses by James Hollis, PhD

Finding Meaning in the Second Half of Life

Swamplands of the Soul

The Eden Project

The Middle Passage


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