about Current Programs of Recovery and How Therapists Can Effectively Utilize
These Programs
As you will see throughout
the links there are a wide variety of treatment programs available to an individual
who has accepted that addiction is a problem .
In order to determine the
appropriate program for your client there are many considerations. For specific
questions or populations, go to Understanding
Substance Abuse Prevention: Toward the 21st Century: A Primer on Effective
Programs http://www.samhsa.gov/centers/csap/modelprograms/pdfs/monograph.pdf
Alcohol Problems
in Intimate Relationships:
Identification and Intervention
A Guide for Marriage and Family Therapists
This document can be downloaded in its original graphic format.
/ Ordering
Table of Contents
As a marriage and family therapist, you are likely to see many individuals,
couples, and families in your practice who are experiencing or are at risk
of experiencing significant alcohol-related problems. This Guide will:
- Introduce you to an "alcohol problems framework" and its implications for
alcohol treatment and intervention.
- Provide you with background information on defining characteristics and
prevalence of a range of alcohol problems.
- Describe the significance of alcohol problems in the couple and family
- Encourage you to adopt a universal screening procedure in your practice
for quick and efficient identification of undetected alcohol problems.
- Provide you with a "Clinical Toolbox" to conduct effective screenings and
assessments of alcohol problems.
- Help you to decide whether to treat, when to treat, and how to select an
appropriate intervention.
- Teach you the essentials of providing brief interventions for alcohol problems.
- Examine a range of treatment alternatives and discuss the factors to consider
in choosing a treatment strategy or making a referral.
- Provide you with a number of resources that will help you utilize the various
treatment strategies available or make a referral to specialty treatment
alternatives when appropriate.
Since the 1930s, "alcoholics" — have been the primary focus of alcohol-related
intervention efforts in the United States. While a focus on severe problems
is typical of an initial societal response to a health problem,1 alcohol
dependence represents only a small portion of the entire range of alcohol-related
problems.2 Most drinking problems are of mild
to moderate severity3 and are amenable to relatively
brief interventions. In a report to the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse
and Alcoholism (NIAAA), the Institute of Medicine (IOM)4 called
for a "broadening of the base for treatment" and widespread adoption of an
alcohol problems framework. This framework casts a wide net for treatment efforts,
explicitly targeting individuals (or families) who currently are experiencing
or are at risk for experiencing alcohol problems. Thus, therapists and health
care professionals are asked to direct interventions not only to drinkers with
alcohol use disorders, but also to problem drinkers and "at-risk" drinkers.
Alcohol Use Disorders
The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fourth Edition5 (DSM-IV)
recognizes two alcohol use disorders: alcohol dependence and alcohol abuse.
- Alcohol dependence is characterized by multiple symptoms, including
tolerance, signs of withdrawal, diminished control over drinking, as well
as cognitive, behavioral, and/or physiological symptoms that suggest the
individual continues to drink despite experiencing significant alcohol-related
- Alcohol abuse, on the other hand, is a maladaptive pattern of drinking
that leads to clinically significant impairment or distress. An individual
diagnosed with alcohol abuse drinks despite alcohol-related physical, social,
psychological, or occupational problems. Alcohol abuse does not necessarily
entail a consistent pattern of heavy drinking, but is defined by the adverse
consequences associated with the drinking pattern.
Problem Drinking and Risky Drinking
As it is commonly used, "problem drinking" often is synonymous with "alcoholism." Among
professionals, however, increasingly it is used to describe nondependent drinking
that results in adverse consequences for the drinker.6 In
contrast to the dependent drinker, the problem drinker's alcohol problems do
not stem from compulsive alcohol seeking, but often are the direct result of
intoxication. Problem drinking represents a broader category than alcohol abuse
disorder. The problem drinker may or may not have a problem severe enough to
meet criteria for alcohol abuse disorder.
Even small amounts of alcohol consumed during pregnancy or in combined
with certain medications may result in significant adverse consequences
and therefore constitute risky drinking. |
While problem drinkers are currently experiencing adverse consequences as
a result of drinking, risky drinkers consume alcohol in a pattern that puts
them at risk for these adverse consequences. Risky drinking patterns include
high-volume drinking, high-quantity consumption on any given day, and even
any consumption, if various medical or situational factors are present. Consumption
is quantified in terms of standard drinks, which contain approximately 14 grams,
or .6 fluid ounces, of pure alcohol (See Appendix B for a graphic portraying
standard drink equivalencies for popular alcoholic beverages). Risky drinking
can be determined by identifying one or more of the patterns below:
- High-volume drinking: 14 or more standard drinks per week on average for
males, and 7 or more standard drinks for females.
- High-quantity consumption: Consumption on any given day of 5 or more standard
drinks for males, and 4 or more standard drinks for females.
- Any consumption within certain contexts: Even when small quantities of
alcohol are ingested, drinking is risky if it occurs within contexts that
pose a particular danger, for example, during pregnancy, when certain health
conditions are present, when certain medications are taken, etc.
Alcohol problems can range in severity from mild, negative consequences in
a single life situation to severe alcohol dependence with significant medical,
employment, and interpersonal consequences. As shown in Figure 1, alcohol
use and its associated problems can be viewed on a continuum — ranging
from no alcohol problems following modest consumption, to severe problems
often associated with heavy consumption.
Alcohol abuse and alcohol dependence are among the most prevalent mental disorders
in the United States.7 In 1992, 7.4% of U.S.
adults aged 18 years and older — roughly 14 million Americans — were
found to have an alcohol use disorder (alcohol dependence or abuse).8 (See
Table 1.)
Population estimates for alcohol use disorders do not include the millions
of adults who experience less severe alcohol-related problems or who engage
in risky drinking patterns that could potentially lead to problems. Criteria
for alcohol use disorders are relatively clear, but establishing a "cut-off
point" to separate problem drinkers from nonproblem drinkers is difficult,
making population estimates more problematic.9 Although
a pattern of recurrent trouble related to alcohol may indicate a more serious
alcohol problem, experiencing any alcohol-related problem is cause for concern.10 As
shown in Table 1, a recent national study found that approximately 21% of Americans
experienced at least one alcohol-related problem in the prior year, and roughly
1 in 3 Americans engaged in risky drinking patterns.
These base rates for alcohol problems and risky drinking are high in the general
population, but they are considerably higher in clinical populations. Given
the high rates of co-morbidity between alcohol use disorders and other psychiatric
disorders, and the strong association that exists between drinking behavior
and mood regulation, stress, and interpersonal and family problems, a high
proportion of individuals, couples, and families who present for therapy may
be experiencing or may be at risk for alcohol problems.
When someone experiences alcohol problems, the negative effects of drinking
exert a toll, not only on the drinker, but also on their partner and other
family members.11 Recent data suggest that
approximately one child in every four (28.6%) in the United States is exposed
to alcohol abuse or dependence in the family.12
One of the clearest demonstrations of how alcohol use negatively impacts the
family is the widely documented association between alcohol use and interpersonal
violence.13 Family problems that are likely
to co-occur with alcohol problems include:14
- Violence
- Marital conflict
- Infidelity
- Jealousy
- Economic insecurity
- Divorce
- Fetal alcohol effect
Drinking problems may negatively alter marital and family functioning, but there
also is evidence that they can increase as a consequence of marital and family
problems.15 Thus, drinking and family functioning
are strongly and reciprocally linked.16 Not
surprisingly, alcohol problems are common in couples that present for marital
therapy,17 and marital problems are common in
drinkers who present for alcohol treatment.18
The alcohol problems framework explicitly recognizes tremendous heterogeneity
in the severity, duration, progression, etiology, consequences, and manifestations
of alcohol problems. If you wish to address alcohol problems in your individual,
marital, or family practice, this heterogeneity requires that you are equipped
- A means to identify individuals with alcohol problems or those at
risk for problems.
- Procedures for further assessment to determine the nature and severity
of the problem, and to guide treatment decisions.
- Knowledge of a range of educational and clinical interventions that
can be matched to the nature and severity of the problem.
The next sections of this Guide (and the Appendices) will supply you with
these requisite tools and information.
Epidemiological data confirm the well-known discrepancy in rates
of alcohol problems for men and women. Men are nearly three times
more likely than women to have alcohol use disorders and about
twice as likely to experience mild to moderate alcohol problems
and to engage in risky drinking. However, women have higher rates
of morbidity and mortality from alcoholism than men. |
Given the prevalence of drinking problems and the serious consequences
that can result, brief screening procedures should be used routinely in
your clinical practice to identify individuals who are experiencing or
are at risk for experiencing alcohol problems. Before making any treatment
decisions, a multi-dimensional problem assessment, which covers alcohol
use patterns, dependence signs and symptoms, and alcohol consequences should
be performed.
The tools we recommend for screening and assessment are flexible enough
to be used with adults in individual, couple, or family therapy contexts.
At times, you will be required to screen and assess alcohol use in adolescents,
but such assessments are beyond the scope of this Guide. For information
on the assessment and diagnosis of alcohol use disorders in adolescents,
see www.niaaa.nih.gov/publications/arh22-2/95-106.pdf.
Appendix A features copies of exemplary instruments for both screening
and problem assessment, creating a complete "Clinical Toolbox" for
you to use in your practice.
The objectives of a brief screen are to:
- Identify individuals or families experiencing alcohol-related problems.
- Identify individuals or families at risk for developing alcohol-related
- Determine the need for further assessment and intervention.
Given the relative ease of conducting a screen, the high rates of alcohol
problems in those presenting for treatment, and the availability of effective
interventions, all adult family members who
present for therapy should be screened routinely for alcohol-related problems. Since
recurrent psychological, relationship, or family problems often are secondary
to alcohol problems, screening for alcohol problems in settings where these
problems typically are treated is especially important.
If an individual presents for therapy with a self-identified alcohol
problem, it is prudent to skip the screening step and move directly to
further assessment of the alcohol problem. However, screening should
be conducted routinely with other presenting adult family members (e.g.,
the spouse). Even in the context of individual therapy, it is useful
to routinely gather information from the client about the alcohol use
of their spouse or other adult family members who are not present to
determine whether a family member's drinking may be contributing to the
client's problems.
Screening Instruments
A number of standardized screening instruments are available to help you quickly
identify current and potential alcohol problems. These brief screening tools
are designed to identify as many potential cases as possible, while at the
same time minimizing false positives. Recommended tools include:
- The 10-item Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test (AUDIT).19
- The 4-item CAGE.20
- The 25-item Michigan Alcoholism Screening Test (MAST),21 or
one of its derivatives: SMAST,22 BMAST,23 or
Each of these instruments has been empirically validated and is quick and
easy to administer. Screening generally takes less than 5 minutes. Screening
questions should be addressed to each adult family member, with collateral
reports used when necessary, or in addition to self-reports. Further
details on these and other screening tools are available at the NIAAA Web
site under Alcoholism Treatment Assessment Instruments at www.niaaa.nih.gov/publications/instable.htm.
The instruments can be either self-administered, for clients who have
sufficient reading ability, or used in a face-to-face structured interview
format. Based on the presenting problem, time constraints, family constellation,
and other factors, you will need to determine whether the screening protocol
is most effectively delivered in an interview format during the session,
or whether it would be more effective to have individual family members
complete paper or computer-assisted assessments. The interview format
allows you to probe further and reconcile inconsistencies, but it may
not be an efficient use of limited session time — especially when
multiple family members need to be assessed.
Screening for alcohol problems should be considered only a first step. Screening
alone does not provide enough information to make either a diagnosis or an
informed treatment decision. If an individual or family screens positive,
i.e. there are indications of risk, further assessment is required to confirm
the problem and to determine its nature, extent, and severity.
Since screening instruments are designed to err on the side of inclusion,
(i.e., to maximize sensitivity rather than specificity), the initial
goal of a more intensive problem assessment is to confirm or rule out
the presence of an alcohol problem.
Primary goals of the problem assessment are to:
- Determine whether the drinking is related to the presenting problem — either
directly or indirectly.
- Determine the severity of the alcohol problem, and in some cases,
provide a diagnosis.
- Obtain a detailed picture of the cognitive, affective, and motivational
aspects of the drinking behavior.
- Collect information that will form the basis of feedback to the drinker
and/or the drinker's family.
- Determine which of the available treatment options is most appropriate.
- Guide decision-making related to the treatment plan.
Three essential domains that any alcohol assessment should cover are: (1)
level and pattern of alcohol use; (2) dependence symptoms and the severity
of the problem; and (3) consequences of alcohol use.
Although our overview is limited to a review of assessment strategies
and instruments related specifically to alcohol problems, a broader assessment
that covers other areas of psychological and interpersonal functioning
is recommended prior to clinical intervention. Clinician skill and preference,
as well as client literacy, will determine whether self-report instruments
or interviews are selected.
Level and Pattern of Alcohol Use
Self-reports of the frequency and quantity of recent alcohol use remain the
most reliable indicators of alcohol consumption patterns available. However,
if the person is intoxicated at the time of assessment or has a severe drinking
problem, consumption measures may not be accurate25 and
should be corroborated with other markers of drinking behavior, such as biomedical
markers or collateral (e.g., a spouse) reports.26 There
are three major types of methods for assessing consumption, each of which
has particular strengths and weaknesses:
- Quantity-Frequency (Q-F) Methods. Standard
questions about how much and how often someone drinks yield typical
frequency (number of days drinking), typical quantity (amount consumed),
and derived from these, a quantity-frequency index representing the
average amount of alcohol consumed in a specified time period. One
advantage of this type of assessment is its brevity.
- Drinking Self-Monitoring Logs. Daily
diary records tend to eliminate much of the bias associated with retrospective
recall. However, they are often kept during a narrow window of time
(e.g., 2 weeks) because of practical limitations, and therefore may
not be representative of the drinker's typical drinking behavior. A
major strength of diary reporting is that it may be used simultaneously
to assess contextual information related to the respondent's drinking
occasions (e.g., time, place, mood, interpersonal context), which can
be useful in treatment planning.
- Prompted Daily Recall and Timeline
Methods. These methods use prompts, calendars,
or charts to collect recalled drinking behavior on specific dates
or days of the week. The drinker generally is asked to estimate
the number of drinking hours, which can provide critical information
for accurately estimating highest Blood Alcohol Levels (BALs) achieved.
Although more time-consuming than Q-F methods, timeline methods
have been shown to yield more reliable estimates of drinking behavior.
Dependence Symptoms and Severity of the
Assessing dependence symptoms is critical to determining the appropriate treatment
option (See Figure 2 - Decision Flowchart: From Screening to Intervention).
Two validated self-report instruments are:
- The 25-item Alcohol Dependence Scale (ADS),27 and
- The 20-item Severity of Alcohol Dependence Questionnaire (SADQ).28
If you wish to make a formal diagnosis, or if you want detailed data related
to a differential diagnosis (e.g., alcohol abuse vs. alcohol dependence),
structured and semi-structured diagnostic interviews are recommended. Even
if your goal is not to make a formal diagnosis, diagnostic instruments
such as the two listed below, provide excellent questions to guide your
assessment interview:
- The Alcohol Use Disorders and Associated Disabilities Interview Schedule
- The Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-IV (SCID).30
Consequences of Alcohol Use
Drinking consequences represent a domain independent of dependence symptoms
and should be measured separately. While many screening instruments and diagnostic
clinical interviews contain interview questions designed to identify negative
consequences, having your clients complete a self-administered questionnaire
will provide a detailed picture of negative consequences across a variety
of life domains, and in the case of marital or family assessment, from different
family member perspectives.
A thorough assessment of consequences also can be useful when evaluating
treatment effects, since these measures have been shown to be sensitive
to changes in drinking-related problems over time.31 Communicating
these assessment results often is useful in helping the drinker appreciate
the connection between drinking and negative consequences across life
The Drinker Inventory of Consequences32 (DrInC)
is a 50-item checklist of potentially adverse drinking consequences that
provides summary scores in five areas:
- Interpersonal
- Physical
- Social
- Impulsive
- Intrapersonal
The full DrInC generally takes clients less than 10 minutes to complete,
but a brief version of the DrInC, known as the Short Index of Problems
(SIP), also is available. Collateral report forms are available as well.
Figure 2 summarizes the process of screening and problem assessment that we
have described thus far. The next step in the process is to choose an intervention
strategy that matches the nature of the identified problem.
By broadening the target population for alcohol-related interventions
to include people with risky drinking patterns and mild to moderate alcohol
problems, you will address a wider range of concerns that families may
have about drinking. The goal of treatment also is necessarily broadened.
From an alcohol problems framework, the overall goal of treatment is "To
reduce or eliminate the use of alcohol as a contributing factor to physical,
psychological, and social dysfunction and to arrest, retard, or reverse
the progress of associated problems." 33
To achieve this treatment goal and effectively reach the large numbers of individuals
and families manifesting mild or moderate alcohol problems, brief interventions
are recommended. Brief interventions are time-limited strategies that focus on
reducing alcohol use and thereby minimize the risks associated with drinking.
Several studies have substantiated the effectiveness of brief interventions for
non-dependent problem drinkers.34 They also
are used for more serious alcohol problems, either as the sole intervention,
or as the initial step toward longer or more intensive treatment. Although most
brief interventions use a cognitive-behavioral approach, you can integrate these
interventions into your overall treatment model, regardless of your theoretical
Once you have identified an alcohol problem and have determined that
a brief intervention approach would be appropriate, you are faced with
a series of clinical decisions. The next sections of this Guide will
walk you through the steps required to achieve a successful response
from an individual, couple, or family client with an identified alcohol
Once you become aware that drinking is a problem for a family, you must
ask yourself a series of questions:
- What type of drinking problem does this family have and how severe
and acute is it?
- Should I address the drinking problem at all? If so, when should
I do so?
- If I address the drinking, to what degree will I be able to help
the family?
- Should I involve the drinker or other family members in alcohol-specific
specialty services instead of, or in addition to, the treatment that
I provide?
- If I take some of the responsibility for addressing the drinking,
should I work only with the drinker for a while, or should I also continue
working with other family members?
- If I do continue working with the family, to what extent should the
children be involved?
Figure 3 provides an outline of the initial decisions you will need to
make before proceeding with any intervention.
Determine the Type and Severity of the
Alcohol Problem
Family alcohol problems can range in severity from conflicts about what is
considered acceptable drinking behavior to severe alcohol dependence with resulting
physical dependence or medical problems.35 More
severe problems will require immediate, specialized attention; those that are
less severe can be addressed in the context of the overall treatment plan.
Decide Whether Identified Drinking Problems
Should Be Addressed
Although it might seem counter-intuitive to ignore an important problem, there
may be reasons for doing so:
- Treatment may be directed to another severe or acute problem, such
as child abuse or the terminal illness of a family member.
- You may have a limited number of sessions or limited time during
which the family is available for treatment.
- You may be concerned that any discussion of drinking problems will
result in the termination of treatment. Although this outcome is uncommon
when drinking issues are raised in a respectful, client-centered manner
(as described later in this Guide), you may choose to postpone a direct
discussion of drinking if you are convinced that it would cause the
family to leave treatment.
Decide on the Timing of Your Response
- Respond immediately if drinking is causing acute medical, psychological,
or interpersonal problems and refer for acute services.
- With less acute problems, consider the goals set and progress made
within treatment and how a discussion of drinking may influence the
achievement of those goals:
- If the therapeutic alliance is tenuous, a direct discussion
of drinking problems might strengthen the alliance by bringing
a major hidden issue into the open. Conversely, addressing the
drinking habits of one family member may undermine an already
tenuous alliance.
- Drinking may underpin the presenting problems, such as a couple's
concerns with finances, sexual functioning, or allocation of
time. Child or spousal abuse also may be linked directly to one
family member's drinking. When drinking is closely tied to presenting
problems, you should address the drinking early in the treatment.
- Drinking may be addressed directly and more immediately if
it is interfering with achieving treatment goals, such as lack
of follow-through on homework assignments, erratic attendance,
or other types of interference.
- If drinking appears to be more marginally related to presenting
problems and treatment is progressing smoothly, it can be addressed
later in treatment.
Decide Whether to Treat Alcohol Problems
Within Family Treatment or Through Referral
At least two elements will contribute to this decision:
- The centrality of drinking to presenting
family problems. If drinking is linked directly
to presenting problems, you probably cannot proceed successfully
with treatment unless drinking issues are incorporated into the
treatment plan.
- Your own expertise and comfort level
in managing drinking-related problems. If
you have some level of knowledge and expertise, integrating drinking
issues into the larger treatment plan may be effective. If you
have less expertise, you may feel more comfortable with adjunctive
treatment that directly addresses the drinking and that allows
you to facilitate and support the adjunctive treatment.
Decide Whether to See the Entire Family
or Just the Drinker
If drinking is central to a family's problems, and you decide to intervene,
it may be necessary to put aside other aspects of the family therapy until
the drinking problem is stabilized and changes have been initiated. You may
see the individual family member with the identified drinking problem alone
for a period of time, and then bring other family members back into treatment.
Decide Whether to Involve the Children
There are several positive reasons for involving the children:
- Children typically are acutely aware if a parent is drinking heavily.
Discussing the drinking with the children present brings what may have
been a taboo topic out into the open.
- Even young children are aware that alcohol is a unique, special beverage
and can link parental drinking to changes in behavior.
- The children's presence during treatment may give you opportunities
to educate them about drinking, and to reassure them that a problem
previously hidden in the family can now be discussed.
Involving children in treatment sessions may also present drawbacks:
- Boundary issues between parents and children may be violated in destructive
ways by a full discussion of drinking issues with the children present.
For example, it is common for intimate partners to be sharply divided
and to have strong negative affect around drinking. Opportunities to
learn to discuss, resolve, or manage these negative emotions may be
provided more effectively without the children present.
- Any extensive discussion of drinking problems will involve addressing
other personal problems and intimate couples issues that may be inappropriate
for children to hear.
- If there is violence in the family, it might not be safe to ask children
to discuss their parent's drinking.
There are no simple answers to the clinical decisions outlined above. If you
decide to bring drinking problems into the therapeutic agenda, the next challenge
is to determine how you can raise drinking issues and facilitate the family's
acceptance of drinking as a legitimate part of the therapeutic agenda.
This section provides two vehicles for broaching the initial discussion
of alcohol problems — linking drinking to presenting family concerns
or linking drinking problems to problems encountered in progressing toward
therapeutic goals.
The use of three major therapeutic principles — empathy, motivation
through attention to client goals, and choice — can facilitate
the successful introduction of drinking issues into therapy. Figures
4a and 4b identify the key principles and pitfalls to consider when addressing
drinking as an issue in family treatment.
Accurate Empathy is Strongly Associated
With a Positive Response to Treatment for Drinking Problems
Traditional approaches to alcohol treatment have taken a more confrontational
style in which attempts are made to "break through" client denial to facilitate
awareness of the extent and severity of their drinking. Research, however,
does not support this approach. Instead, it finds that clinicians who can understand
the complex emotions clients experience concerning his/her drinking and who
can communicate this understanding in an empathic and supportive manner are
more likely to achieve success in enabling clients to: (1) discuss their drinking,
(2) realize the problems associated with it, and (3) prepare to change. From
the first moment that you address drinking, utilizing an empathic approach
is crucial.
Enhance Motivation by Focusing on Client
Traditional views of change in drinking habits held that motivation was a trait
that a client either did or did not have. Life experience, not clinician or
family action, was the vehicle by which motivation would lead to change. However,
contemporary research contradicts this traditional view. It offers substantial
evidence that you can enhance your clients' motivation to change by using specific
therapeutic behaviors, and by providing family members with interventions to
change their behavior as well. (See Elements of Brief Interventions: When
the Drinker is Not Present, page 35).
You can enhance client motivation by linking the client's drinking to
their own positive goals. In particular, if there is a discrepancy between
the client's current life circumstance and the specific goals that he/she
has articulated, drinking may be contributing to this discrepancy between
goals and desires. Helping the client make this linkage can provide a
powerful source of motivation to change.
Give Client Choices
Providing clients who have drinking problems with choices about how to select
treatment options and how to articulate treatment goals will result in better
treatment retention and more positive outcomes. Instead of assuming an authoritative
stance that directs the drinker to one course of action, you can provide
choices that help the drinker to become knowledgeable about these options.
You also can provide guidance about the advantages and disadvantages of various
options without trying to force the client to select a specific choice.
How can you use the three principles to successfully introduce drinking issues
into family therapy?
Any Discussion of Drinking Should Be Approached
With An Empathic and Respectful Demeanor
You might introduce the topic by saying:
- "I'd like to bring up a topic that we haven't talked about too much," or
- "I've been thinking about another issue that might be contributing
to the difficulties that you've been having," or
- "It might be important to talk a bit more about how alcohol fits
into the problems you've been experiencing. I've gotten the sense that
this might be an uncomfortable topic."
Each of these introductions is intended to be low-key, gentle, and non-accusatory
in tone, reflecting your awareness that the drinker and other family members
might find the topic difficult to address. After an initial introduction,
you may respond to each client with reflective listening comments. In this
example, the therapist expresses empathy without taking sides:
Therapist: "It might be important
to talk a bit more about how alcohol fits into the problems you've been
experiencing. I've gotten the sense that this might be an uncomfortable
Husband: "I knew it would
come to this. My wife has been blaming everything on my drinking for
years, and she promised she wouldn't bring it up here. I wouldn't have
come to see you if I thought we'd be back on that old train again."
Therapist: "So
you're feeling set up now, and kind of angry that I'm bringing up the
same topic?"
Link Drinking to Client Goals and Aspirations
In family therapy, applying this principle is relatively easy. Clients seeking
family therapy typically have a set of concerns that motivated them to seek
- Communication
- Decision-making
- Intimacy
- Finances
- Sexual incompatibility
- Management of family responsibilities
- Child behavior problems
- Parenting
If one person is drinking heavily, that drinking is likely to be contributing
to the family's presenting problems. Your challenge is to understand how
the drinking may be playing a role in the presenting problems, and to articulate
this understanding to the family. For example:
Therapist: "Although I am
hearing, loud and clear, that you don't want to talk about your drinking,
I am concerned that it may somehow be connected with the concerns the
two of you came in with. You both said that you wanted help in becoming
better parents, and that you were having too many arguments about discipline
and rules. From what you've been telling me, I have a hunch that the
different feelings you each have about John's drinking and his time away
from the house may be affecting your ability to come to agreement about
rules for your kids."
Even if drinking is not centrally related to the problems that brought
a family into treatment, one family member's drinking might be creating
barriers to successful progress in treatment. You may explain that you
are raising drinking as an issue because of problems encountered in progressing
in treatment.
Noncompliance with homework assignments, observing that specific types
of assignments fall apart (e.g., having a couple go out together, or
discuss a problem during the evening), or feeling bewildered about aspects
of a family's functioning, are all clues that the drinking might be a
contributing factor. Feedback about the linkages between drinking and
lack of progress in treatment also can be used to introduce the topic
of alcohol into therapy.
Applying Principles of Choice
The principle of "choice" becomes prominent as alcohol issues are explored
more fully, but even in the initial discussion, you must keep this principle
in mind. After first discussing drinking, you can give the family a choice
about the degree to which the topic is pursued in any one session. You also
can be clear that discussing drinking is not equivalent to requiring that anyone
change their behavior, and that the family will be involved actively in decision-making
about how to proceed.
Although this Guide assumes that it ultimately will be constructive and valuable
to address drinking in the context of marital or family therapy, you must
be prepared for pitfalls that are unique to the marital/family therapy context:
Defensiveness On the Part of the Drinker
Expect to hear assertions that the drinking is not a problem, is under control,
can be controlled whenever the drinker desires, or that others are "making
too big a deal about a few drinks." The three therapeutic principles that
guide this section — empathy, motivation through goals, and choices — are
all intended to attenuate the drinker's defensive reactions.
Reactions of Other Family Members During
Any Discussion of Drinking
Family members may experience relief that the topic is being addressed, and
may make strong efforts to ally with you against the family member with the
problem drinking.
Such comments as, "I've been concerned about that too," or "She's right,
we have to face this," are hints that a family member is trying to become
your ally against the drinker. You must make efforts to neutralize the
alliance, i.e., maintain an alliance with the family as a unit, rather
than with specific family members.
Negative Reactions by Family Members to
Your Empathic Responses to the Drinker
Family members, who often have experienced anger, frustration, fear, and sadness
in response to years of problem drinking, may be impatient to see change occur
once the topic of drinking is introduced into therapy. They may hope that you
will "straighten out" the drinker, providing definitive instructions to stop
the drinking behavior and to seek a specific form of treatment. When you do
not respond accordingly, family members may react negatively. They may become
angry with you for expressing empathy about how difficult it is to face and
change a drinking problem, or for trying to help the client make decisions
about how, when, and how much to change. You must walk a careful line, not
sacrificing the needs or desires of any family member to those of others in
the family. A balanced, empathic, and respectful response to the reactions
of each family member can neutralize some of the intense emotions that surround
this topic.
Family Members May Develop Alliance Against
As a reflection of their desire to avoid discussing the role of alcohol in
their family or the problems it has caused, the family may develop an alliance
against you. Different factors may lead to a family alliance to avoid any discussion
of drinking, including:
- Family lack of understanding about, or prejudice towards, alcohol
use disorders.
- Family embarrassment or shame.
- Family members' concern that their own drinking behavior might also
be challenged or affected.
- Family homeostatic balance that is threatened by any discussion of
Your response to family level resistance will be determined, at least in
part, by your understanding of why the family is resisting the need to
address drinking. However, this Guide is not advocating a dogged pursuit
of drinking to the extent that the family drops out of treatment. It is
a measured approach that integrates drinking issues into a larger case
formulation and treatment plan for the entire family.
The success of brief interventions for drinking problems is well supported
by research conducted over the past 25 years.36 The
approach described below, best characterized as adapted motivational interviewing,
can be an effective treatment for some alcohol use disorders without the
need for further clinical intervention.37 It
also may resolve mild to moderate alcohol problems, enhance the client's
readiness to address more severe drinking problems, and result in acceptance
of a treatment referral.
Major elements of the brief intervention include:
- Careful assessment of the drinking and its consequences
- Feedback
- Drinker choices
- Emphasis on personal responsibility
- Involvement of the family
- Follow-up
You should deliver all six elements of the brief intervention using a motivational
interviewing style. The six principles and techniques that guide brief
interventions are summarized in Figure 5.
Motivational interviewing is an empathetic, client-centered, therapeutic style
and should be used when conducting brief interventions. Three major principles
underpin motivational interviewing:38
Express Empathy
Empathy implies an acceptance of each family member's experience, perspectives,
and emotions, and requires the ability to express this acceptance in a warm,
compassionate manner. The use of active reflective listening is key.
Roll With Resistance
Drinkers often attempt to persuade others that their drinking is not problematic.
Such an argument tends to solidify the drinker's viewpoint. If you avoid
arguments, empathically accept that the drinker is ambivalent, and encourage
the drinker to merely consider an alternative viewpoint, resistance is likely
to decrease.
Enhance and Support Self-efficacy
You should view the drinker as capable of changing and communicate that perspective
in a number of ways:
- Note the drinker's strengths (e.g., commitment to family, success
in the work place);
- Communicate respect for the serious manner in which the drinker is
responding to the brief intervention;
- Provide general information about the success drinkers tend to have
in changing their behavior over time;39
- Help the drinker to envision himself/herself as a person who can
change and to realize the importance of making the decision to change.40
The three basic principles of motivational interviewing should be used
to implement the brief intervention described in the sections that follow.
For the brief intervention, you should obtain information that will help the
drinker and other family members understand why and in what ways their drinking
is problematic. Several types of information, which can be obtained using
questionnaires and interview questions, are helpful in achieving this understanding
(See Alcohol Problem Assessment, page 8).
A key element in brief interventions is the feedback provided to the drinker.
A major purpose of feedback is to help the drinker recognize discrepancies
that exist between his/her current circumstances and personal and family
goals and aspirations. Feedback should be conveyed in a warm, empathic tone,
and should be descriptive rather than evaluative. The clinician may introduce
the feedback by saying:
[To the drinker]: "We've been
spending a bit of time discussing your drinking, and you also spent some
time filling out questionnaires that I gave you. I'd like to offer some
feedback on what I've learned about your drinking, and what I think it
suggests. Please feel free to ask questions as I go along. Then we can
talk about your reactions and thoughts."
[To the family]: "You'll probably
find this interesting as well, and you may want to comment. Feel free
to ask questions, but I suggest that you hold other comments until
we've had some time to go through all the feedback."
Feedback can be organized on a feedback sheet for the family to review.
A sample feedback form provided in Figure 6 includes:
Feedback About Drinking
- Average number of standard drinks consumed
each week. A standard drink is equal to one 12-ounce
beer, one 5-ounce glass of table wine, one 3-ounce glass of fortified
wine, or a 1.5-ounce shot of hard liquor.
- Average number of drinks ingested on each
drinking day. Calculate this number by adding together
the total number of drinks consumed, and divide by the number of
days the client drank.
- Highest consumption. Look at
all the drinking information and write in the largest amount the client
drank on any given day.
- Comparison of drinking to national norms.41 To
make this comparison, you can refer to a standard chart (See Table
2.) to determine where your client's drinking falls. For example,
a man who drinks 28 drinks per week is at the 90th percentile — 90%
of men in the U.S. drink less than he does. Such feedback is valuable
because many heavy drinkers associate with other heavy drinkers and
believe that their own drinking pattern is "normal" rather than heavy.
- Blood alcohol level (BAL). To
determine BAL, the clinician weighs four factors: amount consumed;
time over which alcohol is consumed; client body weight; and client
sex. Use of standard BAL charts (See Figure 7.) yields information
on usual BAL as well as the BAL achieved on the heaviest drinking days.
Comparing the BAL calculated to the legally defined limit for intoxicated
driving in the client's state of residence (typically .08 or .10) provides
a context in which to understand the client's BAL.
Feedback About Negative Consequences of
Information about negative consequences has been provided already by the drinker
and other family members, but summarizing negative consequences often has a
notable impact. The clinician can organize this section into:
- Subjective negative consequences.
- Objective negative consequences.
- Concerns of the family not necessarily shared by the drinker.
- Links between the drinking and either presenting family problems,
or problems with progressing in therapy.
After the Feedback
At the conclusion of the feedback session, client and family reactions will
vary widely:
- They may be moved emotionally, reacting to the feedback with sadness
or shame.
- They may objectify the information and ask factually oriented questions.
- They may react neutrally, disagree, or minimize the significance
of the information.
- They may interpret it as a signal to take action.
- Family members may become angry with the drinker and attempt to chastise,
lecture, or express long-held negative feelings.
Keep in mind that the goal of feedback is to enhance
the drinker's willingness to make changes in his/her drinking. Continue
using the skills of motivational interviewing by:
- Taking an empathic stance;
- Avoiding the urge to confront resistance;
- Eliciting reactions from the drinker and family members;
- Acknowledging and respecting the complex reactions all members of
the family might have; and
- Supporting statements that suggest the drinker is considering change.
After discussing reactions of the drinker and family members to the feedback,
the conversation should move to determining possible next steps. Here, it
is important to ensure that the drinker has choices and does not feel forced
to select one option. Any movement toward change should be considered a positive
outcome of the brief intervention. Although total abstinence from alcohol
is always a safe, desirable outcome, reductions in drinking can lead to improved
health and social functioning. Reductions in drinking also may serve as a
way station to abstinence, whereby the drinker attempts to cut down, and
ultimately decides that abstinence is either an easier choice or a necessary
one. Although some drinkers may ask for specific advice and information about
available treatments, many may respond by stating that they accept the need
for change but want to try to change on their own. Both treatment and self-change
can lead to positive results, so you can support either plan.
Providing a drinker with choices is more than passive acceptance of
the individual's goals and preferred route to change. You can play an
active role by providing specific information about different goals and
different treatment options. Lay out your view of the advantages and
disadvantages of each option, and even suggest a preferred course of
action. Having an educational discussion and clearly stating the importance
of choosing a route to change that is acceptable will enhance the likelihood
of success.
Although the main target of this discussion is the drinker, the other
family members should be encouraged to express their views about advantages
and disadvantages of different approaches. By the end of the discussion,
the ideal outcome invokes a specific change plan. Referral for specialty
treatment; involvement with self-help; continued work on the drinking
in the family therapy; or an initial attempt at self-change are all acceptable
change plans. If the drinker is not willing to commit to any plan, you
should respect that choice, but indicate that you will return to a discussion
of drinking in future sessions after the entire family has had the opportunity
to think about the feedback.
Whether an individual chooses to initiate change in their own behavior ultimately
is their responsibility. During the brief intervention, you should communicate
this principle clearly to the drinker and to the family members. Families
can help and support a person in their change efforts, and may serve as a
source of motivation for change, but the ultimate decision is an individual
one. You can communicate this principle through comments such as:
"It is your decision to do what you want to do,"
"I appreciate that this is a lot of information and that you might want to think
about it more before reacting," or
[To the family]: "I
know that you're eager for John to stop drinking, but he has to feel
comfortable with that kind of decision and know that it's the right
thing for him to do."
At the same time, family members have the right to make choices for which
they will be responsible. A spouse may decide that living in a relationship
with someone who is drinking daily or heavily is not acceptable, and may
choose to separate from the drinker who continues to drink. Such a decision
requires an acceptance of responsibility, rather than focusing on the drinker's
responsibility (e.g., "I choose to leave you if you keep drinking," versus "You
made me leave because you wouldn't stop drinking.")
The preceding sections have guided you in managing the family's reactions during
the brief intervention. Additional roles the family may play include:42
Providing Additional Feedback to the Drinker
This may include feedback about negative consequences resulting from drinking,
or objectionable behaviors observed when drinking; the results of previous
change attempts; or family members' subjective reactions to the drinking
or to the clinician's feedback. Encouraging the use of constructive communication
skills is key to successful family feedback. Suggest that they use "I" statements
rather than attacks, and expressions of care and concern rather than expressions
of blame or contempt.
Supporting the Drinker's Attempts to Change
This is a topic that may continue through future sessions, but which can be
introduced during the brief intervention. As the drinker decides upon a course
of action, you may ask the family to consider ways to support these actions.
Finding Ways to Support and Reinforce
Positive Change
Families might spend more time with the drinker when abstinent, express positive
reactions to changes in drinking (e.g., "I really enjoyed today), or provide
positive feedback through concrete actions (e.g., a heartfelt hug.)
Stating Specific Limits
Family members may have decided on limits about what they will tolerate, and
what they plan to do should the drinking continue unchanged. Knowledge about
such limits might have an important influence on the drinker's decision-making.
Although most descriptions of brief interventions stop here, the family therapist
who implements a brief drinking intervention usually has an on-going relationship
with the family, and will have the opportunity to follow-up beyond the initial
If the drinker and family settle on a change strategy by the end of
the brief intervention, you should continue to check in and monitor success
and problems in future treatment sessions.
If the initial plan is not succeeding, you can discuss further options.
A tone of collaboration and respect should characterize these later discussions
as well. For example:
"Your initial plan was to try to cut down on your own. That seemed
to go quite well for a while, but lately you've been telling me that
you're struggling again. Maybe we could go back to that list of options
and think about whether some other option might work better for you at
this point. The fact that you're interested in change and trying hard
is great. Now it's a matter of finding the strategies that work best
for you."
If the brief intervention does not immediately result in a change plan,
you also will want to revisit the discussion in later sessions. The tone
of the follow-up should continue to be respectful, and responsibility should
remain with the drinker. For example:
"Last week we talked quite a bit about your drinking, and you said
you wanted to think about what we discussed. I'm curious to know what
your thoughts have been during the week, and whether you have discussed
them with your family?"
The brief intervention described earlier is designed to work directly with
the drinker. However, the drinker is not always part of the treatment and
may be unwilling to get involved. A second set of therapeutic strategies
can help the family respond constructively to a family member's alcohol
problem and motivate the drinker to change or seek treatment.
It is a myth that family members cannot influence a drinker to change.
Family members cannot make an individual stop drinking, but they can
change their own behavior in ways that will help the drinker recognize
that the drinking is problematic, and that change is desirable. In fact,
study findings support the effectiveness of such interventions.43
When family members are involved in treatment without the drinker, a
careful assessment is required to determine whether the affected family
members are dealing with a loved one who has a drinking problem. This
initial assessment should be followed up with confirmatory feedback.
Providing further assessment of family coping strategies and offering
guidance in specific responses form the core of such interventions. Safety
issues and other aspects of self-care must also be addressed, regardless
of the drinker's behavior (See Assuring Family Safety).
Several aspects of brief interventions with the drinker not present
are similar to those described previously for brief interventions with
the drinker present. Others are unique to the situation where the drinker
is not available to the therapist. Key elements include:
Family members often are uncertain about the seriousness of the drinking of
another family member. You can conduct an assessment similar to that described
for the drinker using the family member's report.
Ideally, you will be able to determine whether an alcohol problem is
present or establish a diagnosis of alcohol abuse or dependence based
on the family member's report, and also assess the quantity and frequency
of drinking. After making this determination, you should give the family
feedback, either to assure them that the drinking is not objectively
a problem, or that it is problematic or a diagnosable disorder. If the
drinking pattern is neither problematic nor diagnosable, then your intervention
should focus on discussing the different attitudes and values about drinking
in the family. If the drinking is problematic, a more detailed family
intervention is needed.
How families cope with the drinking is an important area of assessment. Families
engage in a wide range of responses to drinking, including behaviors that
support or tolerate the drinking, confront or control the drinking, or attempt
to withdraw from the drinking or the drinker.
You can assess family coping through interviews as well as questionnaires.
In an interview, ask questions such as:
"How have you responded to your family member's drinking?"
"How have you tried to influence his/her drinking?"
"How have you tried to help him/her to change?"
"How has his/her drinking affected you?"
"What have been some particularly difficult situations you've run into related
to his/her drinking?How have you coped with these?"
Your goal is to learn how the family members have reinforced drinking,
protected the drinker from experiencing negative consequences from drinking,
talked with the drinker about his/her drinking behavior, and how they have
been affected themselves.
There are several good questionnaires to assess family coping, including
The Coping Questionnaire,44 the Significant-Other
Behavior Questionnaire,45 the Spouse
Enabling Inventory,46 and the Spouse
Sobriety Influence Inventory.47
As with a drinker's assessment, an assessment of family coping should
be approached in a spirit of inquiry by engaging the family in a discussion
that reveals their perceptions about positive and negative actions, as
well as their subjective feelings about interactions with the drinker.
This assessment of family coping strategies sets the stage for suggested
Spouse and child abuse occur at elevated rates in families where one member
has an alcohol problem. You should conduct a specific assessment for the
presence of physical violence if there are drinking issues in the family.
Assessment should target specific aggressive behaviors, rather than global
questions such as, "Is there any violence in your home?" Specific
questions should be asked about behaviors such as throwing objects, grabbing
a family member roughly, slapping, pushing, hitting, or threatening harm.
The Conflict Tactics Scale can be used to conduct a more formalized assessment
of domestic violence. For more information on the
Conflict Tactics Scale, go to: www.unh.edu/frl/measure4.htm.
Additional questions about actual injuries also should be included in
the assessment. The presence of weapons in the home, particularly guns,
also should be noted.
If there is evidence of physical violence in the family, you must take
steps to assure the safety of the family. Since some families may view
such behavior as normal, it is essential that you make a clear, unambiguous
statement about the need for safety and the unacceptability of being
hit or otherwise hurt. Advising the family on other safety measures — such
as keeping a bag packed, establishing a place to go should violence appear
imminent, and understanding the role and limitations of restraining orders — also
is appropriate. If there are guns or other weapons in the home, you should
consider advising either their removal or a secure locking system to
prevent a potentially violent family member from accessing the weapons.48 Further
information about intimate partner violence and treatment can be found
at www.cdc.gov/health/violence.htm and
at the AMA Violence Prevention page at www.ama-assn.org/ama/pub/category/3242.html ,
which features the monograph titled Intimate Partner Violence: Case
Studies in Disease Prevention and Health Promotion.
Once you have assured the basic safety of the family, you can begin to address
changes in family behavior that may help the drinker recognize his/her drinking
as problematic.
Changing Consequences of Drinking
It is common for family members to try to protect the drinker from the naturally
occurring negative consequences of drinking. They may assume the drinker's
responsibilities; cover for the drinker at work; provide comfort and reassurance
after a drinking binge; hide their feelings about the drinking; hide the
drinker's problems from family or friends, etc. Each of these actions may
be well intentioned, but the net effect is to shield the drinker from the
consequences of absences from work, the full impact of a hangover, or the
realization that a loved one is frightened or angry.
The drinker who has the opportunity to hear about such consequences
gradually may realize that there is a large cost associated with drinking
and may begin to consider change. You can help the family recognize the
unintended adverse effects of protecting the drinker, guide them to reduce
actions that protect the drinker, and help them recognize that there
are certain actions that are necessary to preserve the family (such as
paying bills), or the life of the drinker and others (such as not letting
a person drive when intoxicated). Problem-solving, role-playing new responses
during the treatment session, and giving specific homework assignments
that involve practicing new behaviors are all excellent approaches to
implementing these new behaviors.
Family Feedback to the Drinker
A second active intervention is providing direct feedback to the drinker. Families
may communicate in unproductive ways about drinking, for example, with nagging,
ridicule, and sarcasm. Your goal is to encourage them to use straightforward,
constructive communication techniques when giving their feedback. Remember
that feedback should be:
- Provided when the drinker is sober.
- Factual and objective, rather than evaluative or emotional.
- Delivered in a caring and compassionate tone, communicating that
the family member is discussing drinking out of caring rather than
from more negative motives.
- Associated with specific requests to change.
You can guide family members to develop specific feedback and role-play
how to discuss their concerns with the drinking family member.
Family Requests for Change
Family members also can be guided to make specific, positive requests for change
from the drinker. Requests may be directed toward changes in the drinking
itself, toward behavior when drinking, or toward seeking assistance. You
can guide family members in articulating the changes they want and help them
practice how to make such requests. You should prepare the family by explaining
that the drinker does not always respond to such discussions or requests
with immediate acceptance. You should also help the family understand that
requests for change are part of the larger set of behavior changes described
in this section of the Guide.
Family Support for Change Efforts
Families also need to learn to support the drinker's efforts toward change.
They may resist providing support and encouragement, feeling that the drinker
is simply doing what he or she "should have done all along." Despite such
feelings, support for efforts to change is likely to increase them, while
ignoring such efforts or responding negatively likely will decrease attempts
at change. Family members can support change through verbal encouragement,
nonverbal gestures, or taking on family responsibilities to free up the drinker's
time for treatment or self-help meetings. You can work closely with the family
to identify supportive actions that are comfortable and acceptable to them.
Family Member Self-Care
Spouses with an actively drinking partner experience significant levels of
anxiety, depression, and psychophysiological complaints.49 Children
may have behavior problems, anxiety or depression, or eventually develop
alcohol or drug problems themselves. Thus, in addition to interventions to
attempt to influence the drinker, you should help family members learn how
to take care of their own needs.
Twelve-step organizations are one source of support that is specific
for families of drinkers. Al-Anon is a self-help organization for adults
affected by another's drinking; Alateen provides similar support for
adolescents. Al-Anon and Alateen are widely available without cost to
participants. The limited amount of research available on Al-Anon has
demonstrated its effectiveness in helping to decrease distress among
families affected by drinking.50 Specifically,
Al-Anon is most effective as a source of support for the affected family
member, and is not designed as a resource for motivating the drinking
family member to change. Therefore, you should use this resource primarily
as a source of support for affected family members.
The family therapist may choose to integrate continuing alcohol treatment
into the couple or family therapy using an empirically supported approach.
However, some clients benefit from longer or more focused treatment for
their drinking that is separate from the family therapy. You may refer
clients to the specialty system, by selecting a level of care and treatment
model that best matches their specific needs and characteristics, and by
identifying a program or practitioner with demonstrable credentials for
treating clients with drinking problems.
Referral to a self-help group may serve as the only specialty referral
in many locations, or it may be used to complement a formal treatment
program. Several factors will guide the choice between these strategies:
- Your own competence and comfort with addressing alcohol-related issues
in treatment.
- The drinker's willingness to seek additional services.
- The types of services that are available and accessible in your community.
Two major approaches to family-based treatment for alcohol problems have been
developed and tested in controlled research — alcohol-focused behavioral
couples therapy (ABCT), and family systems approaches. ABCT is a structured
therapy based on cognitive-behavioral principles of behavior change.51 Major
components of ABCT include:
- Cognitive-behavioral strategies that will help the drinker stop drinking
and acquire coping skills to respond to both drinking-specific and
general life problems;
- Strategies that teach family members to support the drinker's change
efforts, reduce protection for drinking-related consequences, develop
better skills to cope with negative affect, and communicate around
alcohol-related topics;
- Strategies to improve the couple's relationship by increasing positive
exchanges and improving communication and problem-solving skills;
- Behavioral contracts between intimate partners to support the use
of medication.52
Research suggests that ABCT results in greater marital happiness after
treatment, fewer incidents of marital separation, and fewer incidents of
domestic violence.53 Many also report
that ABCT leads to greater improvements in drinking behavior than comparison
treatments, although study results are mixed.
One empirical study has tested the effectiveness of family systems therapy
to treat alcohol problems in adults. Family systems therapy views drinking
as one aspect of the marital/family relationship and focuses on altering
couple interactions that might be sustaining the drinking, as well as
each partner's views of the meaning of the drinking. You may not require
abstinence from drinking, but rather may prefer to help couples select
and pursue a drinking goal of their own choosing. Both strategic and
structural-family therapy techniques can be used to manage clients' ambivalence
about change. Preliminary results suggest that such approaches are more
effective than cognitive-behavioral approaches in retaining resistant
and angry clients in therapy.54
A second long-term strategy is to refer clients to community-based services
for help with their drinking problems. Alcohol treatment services are provided
at different levels of care — inpatient, residential rehabilitative,
intensive outpatient, outpatient, or self-help.
There are two different approaches to selecting the level of care, and
each has some support for its effectiveness. The first approach is stepped
care, in which treatment is initiated at the least restrictive level
possible for the client.55 It is usually
a brief, outpatient intervention, and the intensity of treatment is increased
only if the client does not respond to the initial intervention. The
second approach, patient-treatment matching, is most fully articulated
by the American Society of Addiction Medicine (ASAM) through their patient
placement criteria (PPC).56
The PPC specify six dimensions to consider when selecting an initial
level of care:
- Severity of alcohol dependence and likelihood of withdrawal syndrome.
- Medical conditions and complications.
- Emotional/behavioral/cognitive conditions or complications.
- Motivation to change.
- Relapse/continued use potential.
- The nature of the recovery environment.
Although the PPC are quite specific in defining levels of care based on
combinations of impairments in these six areas, the general principle underlying
the criteria is to select more intensive, supervised treatment for more
extensive problems.
To effect a referral to the alcohol treatment system, you can obtain
information about local treatment resources through your state alcohol
and drug agency. Many states provide online treatment directories and/or
have toll-free hotlines that provide information about treatment services.
For more information, contact the Substance
Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), National Drug
and Alcohol Treatment Referral Routing Service at (800) 622-HELP or http://findtreatment.samhsa.gov.
If you anticipate making regular referrals for alcohol treatment, you would
do well to visit some of the treatment centers to become familiar with
their programs, staff, and facilities. If you expect to effect referrals
to individual practitioners, it is appropriate to verify the practitioner's
credentials. Several professions provide specific certifications indicating
competence or expertise in substance abuse treatment:
- Mental health providers, including marriage and family therapists,
may receive national certification from the American Academy of Health
Care Providers in the Addictive Disorders.
- Counselors may be certified at the state or national level as certified
alcohol and drug (or substance abuse) counselors.
- Physicians may be certified through the American Society of Addiction
- Psychiatrists have their own separate certification through the Academy
of Addiction Psychiatry.
- Psychologists can obtain a Certificate of Proficiency in the Treatment
of Substance Use Disorders through the College of Professional Psychology
of the American Psychological Association.
Keep in mind that the absence of these certifications does not mean that
the practitioner is not skilled in alcohol treatment, but certification
does assure that there is a certain level of knowledge and experience.
In addition to knowledge about levels of care and credentials, you also
should be aware of research knowledge about effective treatment approaches.
Three treatment models have been studied extensively, and each has fairly
consistent support for its effectiveness:57
- Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT) has
been delivered in residential, intensive outpatient, and outpatient
settings. CBT focuses on identifying high-risk situations for drinking,
developing alternative coping strategies, and preventing relapse. CBT
is particularly effective for clients who have less severe alcohol
- Motivational Enhancement Therapy (MET)
is a brief, two- to four-session treatment that combines assessment,
feedback, and principles of motivational interviewing (described in
an earlier section of the Guide). MET is particularly effective for
those clients who are angry and resistant at the onset of treatment.
- Twelve-Step Facilitation (TSF) treatments
are active counseling approaches that draw upon the principles of Alcoholics
Anonymous (AA). They help clients develop an affiliation with AA, and
work with them through the initial steps. TSF has been provided in
residential, intensive outpatient, and outpatient settings, and appears
to be particularly effective with clients who have more severe drinking
problems, few psychiatric complications, or social networks that encourage
them to drink. Treatment programs that draw upon the principles of
AA are the most widely available.
Other treatment models and programs also are available, but they lack sufficient
research support:
- Fairly extensive research literature supports the effectiveness of
family systems approaches with adolescents, but limited research has
addressed the use of family systems interventions for adults with alcohol
use disorders.
- Treatment programs exist that are designed specifically for certain
populations-women, gay and lesbian clients, people of color, adolescents,
and older adults. Although there is compelling evidence of variability
in the nature and patterning of drinking and problems in different
populations, most population-specific treatment approaches are untested
in controlled research studies.
- Some programs have incorporated treatment elements to address the
unique needs and world views of subgroups of clients, such as spiritual
or alternative healing practices, meditation, or nutritional interventions.
Empirical bases for these approaches are lacking because they have
not been tested in controlled research.
Clinicians also should be aware of and familiar with self-help groups. Alcoholics
Anonymous (AA) provides a program of recovery based on twelve steps to recovery
that stress acceptance of drinking as a problem, willingness to seek help,
and personal and interpersonal change designed to enhance a spiritual approach
to life. AA is widely available, free of charge, and requires a desire to
stop drinking as the only "membership" requirement. Research studies have
found a significant though modest correlation between attending more AA meetings
and being abstinent, and an even stronger relationship between involvement
with AA (e.g., working the steps, reading AA literature, having a sponsor,
as well as going to meetings) and abstinence.
Other self-help groups are less widely available or researched, but
provide alternative sources of self-help for clients who would like a
self-help format but are unwilling to attend AA.58 Groups
include Women for Sobriety, SMART Recovery, Secular Organizations for
Recovery/LifeRing, Moderation Management, and culturally specific self
help groups, such as Red Road for the American Indian population. Little
research is available about the effectiveness of any of these organizations.
Alcohol problems are common, particularly among individuals and families
seeking mental health services. Families may present other problems as
their primary concerns, but drinking is often the primary cause of or corollary
to their presenting problems.
Drinking problems may range in severity, from differences in values
and preferences about drinking that create family conflicts, to severe
alcohol dependence. As a result, marriage and family therapists should
screen all clients for possible drinking problems and complete additional
assessments where appropriate. When determining whether to intervene
and how to intervene, it is important to first consider the overall goals
of family therapy and any safety concerns that may be involved. Brief
interventions, either directly with the drinker or with concerned family
members, can have a positive impact on alcohol problems.
- Institute of Medicine (1990). Broadening the
base of treatment for alcohol problems. Washington, DC: National Academy
Sobell, M.B., and Sobell, L.C. (1993). Problem drinkers: Guided self-change
treatment. New York: Guilford.
- Institute of Medicine (1990).
- Catelano, R. (1997). Prevalence, incidence, and
stability of drinking problems among whites, blacks, and hispanics:
1984-1992. Journal of Studies on Alcohol, 58, 565-572.
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of alcoholism treatment approaches: Effective alternatives (3rd edition).
Boston: Allyn & Bacon.
The instruments and interview questions provided in this Clinical Toolbox will
enable you to conduct screening and assessments of alcohol problems in your
own practice. The figure below provides an overview of a few recommended tools
in both interview and self-administered formats. Selection of self-report or
interview formats will be determined by clinician skill and preference, as
well as client literacy.
The tools in the shaded boxes represent a complete protocol for screening
and problem assessment and are reproduced in this Appendix. The other
instruments are available from the sources indicated.
Although we have selected the CAGE questions to use in the screening protocol
that follows, any of the screening instruments described earlier may be substituted
for the CAGE. If you plan to use self-administration rather than an interview
format, we suggest you use the Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test
(AUDIT) rather than the CAGE, because it includes consumption questions with
standardized response options. If you determine that an interview is the
appropriate format for your screening protocol, we recommend the following
set of screening questions:
Basic Quantity-Frequency Questions (Self
- Do you drink alcohol, including beer, wine, or hard liquor?
If "no," discontinue the screen.
- On average, how many days per week do you drink alcohol?
- On a typical day when you drink, how many (standard) drinks do you
Explain that a "standard drink" is defined as: 1.5 oz. shot of hard liquor,
5 oz. of table wine, 3 oz. of fortified wine, or 12 oz. of regular beer.
You may also reproduce the graphic found in Appendix B and use it to prompt
accurate responses to this question.
- What is the maximum number of drinks you consumed on any given day
during the last month?
CAGE Questions (Self Report)
- Have you ever felt you should Cut down on your drinking?
- Have people Annoyed you by criticizing your drinking?
- Have you ever felt bad or Guilty about your drinking?
- Have you ever had a drink first thing in the morning to steady your
nerves or to get rid of a hangover (Eye opener)?
IF there is a positive response
to any of the CAGE questions, ask whether the incident(s) happened during
the past year.
Interpreting Risk from the Screening
An individual may be at risk for alcohol-related problems if alcohol
consumption is:
For adult males less than 65 years old:
- 14 or more drinks per week, or
- 5 or more drinks during any given
For all adult females and males 65 years
or older:
- 7 or more drinks per week, or
- 4 or more drinks during any given
Or if:
One or more responses to the CAGE questions referring to the past year
were positive.
Gathering "collateral" reports (e.g., a spouse reports on their partner's drinking)
may be useful in helping you identify potential alcohol problems in the family.
Furthermore, it is important to determine whether family members who are not
present for therapy may have an alcohol problem, particularly when the presenting
problem involves couple or family issues. The following general questions about
drinking and family life may be incorporated into any standard family intake:
Family/Relational Drinking Conflict Questions
(These questions, when asked, may be used to reference "anyone" in the family,
or may be asked specifically about the spouse.)
- Have you felt worried or upset about the drinking habits of anyone
in your family?
- Are there disagreements in your family about how, when, where, or
why alcohol is used?
- Do the drinking habits of anyone in your family cause tension or
conflict at home?
Alcohol problems may exist at a family or relational level if any of these
questions is answered positively. Further screening information should
be collected directly from the family member whose drinking is a concern,
or if this is not possible, through further collateral reporting. Modified
versions of the consumption and CAGE questions may be used to screen for
alcohol problems in other family members. For example, to gather information
on the spouse's drinking, the questions may be asked as follows:
Basic Quantity-Frequency Questions (Family
Member Report)
- Does your partner drink alcohol, including beer, wine, or hard liquor?
If "no," discontinue the screen.
- On average, how many days per week does your partner drink alcohol?
- On a typical day when your partner drinks, how many (standard) drinks
would you say he/she has?
- What is the maximum number of drinks your partner consumed on any
given day during the last month?
CAGE Questions (Family Member Report)
- Has your partner ever attempted to Cut down on his/her drinking?
- Has your partner ever become Angry or upset when others comment
on his/her drinking?
- Has your partner ever felt bad or Guilty about his/her drinking?
- Does your partner ever have a drink first thing in the morning (Eye
IF there is a positive response
to any of the questions, ask whether the incident(s) happened during the
past year.
See the box "Interpreting Risk from the Screening
Questions" above to make decisions about further assessments.
Remember: Answers
to the screening questions and these interpretive guidelines may
be used initially to help you gauge the potential for alcohol problems
in the family. A diagnosis, however,
should not be made based on these questions alone. If
an individual or family "screens positive," suggesting indications
of risk, further assessment is required to confirm the risk and
to determine the nature, extent, and severity of the problem. |
Source: Adapted from,
(1) National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism. (1995). The Physicians'
Guide to Helping Patients with Alcohol Problems. U.S. Department of Health
and Human Services, Public Health Service, National Institutes of Health,
Pub No. 95-3769. Bethesda, MD.
(2) Mayfield, D., McLeod, G., and Hall, P. (1974). The CAGE questionnaire:
Validation of a new alcoholism screening instrument. American Journal of Psychiatry,13,1121-1123.
(3) Ewing, J.A.(1984). Detecting alcoholism: The CAGE questionnaire. Journal
of the American Medical Association, 252 (14), 1905-1907.
Brief Quantity-Frequency (Q-F) questions, such as those described earlier (See
Basic Quantity-Frequency Questions on pages A-2 and A-4), may be used to
assess consumption patterns. However, the consumption section of the Brief
Drinker Profile is recommended because it yields more information on drinking
patterns, including information that will allow you to calculate peak BAL levels.
The information derived from the BDP should not only give you a more accurate
assessment of the client's consumption pattern, but also provide a range of
summary indices that can be used in your brief intervention feedback session
(See Feedback, page 27).
The modified version of the BDP presented here assesses:
- Typical pattern of use (quantity and frequency)
- Episodic occasions of use
- Time span of consumption, allowing estimates of peak and typical
BAL's achieved
The forms provided on the following pages should be used during the interview
to record the respondent's information. Summary indices, however, should
be calculated after the interview, based on the information provided by
the respondent. To complete summary indices related to BAL, you should
consult the charts found earlier in this guide (See Figure 7. Blood
Alcohol Level Estimation Charts, p. 32).
This consumption assessment uses the metric of standard drinks. Prior
to conducting the BDP interview, you should familiarize yourself with
the definition and equivalencies for a standard drink. A graphic portrayal
of standard drink equivalencies is available in Appendix B. It is recommended
that you reproduce this graphic and use it in consultation with the respondent
during the interview to arrive at accurate standard drink estimates.
To arrive at standard drink estimates, you should probe for the number
of drinks consumed as well as the type of beverage and size of the drink,
and then work with the respondent to arrive at the number of standard
drinks consumed.
Although this interview protocol may also be conducted using a 30-day
time frame, we use a 90-day (3-month) time frame in the protocol and
attached forms to capture less frequent incidents of heavy drinking.
To help the respondent accurately remember drinking occasions during
the specified time frame, it is helpful to have a calendar available
marked with holidays and other events that may provide "anchors" for
the time frame.
You can introduce the assessment as follows:
I'd like to get a sense of how and when you use alcohol. I'm going
to ask you about your drinking patterns and I'd like you to think about
the past 90 days as your frame of reference. It's often helpful to "anchor" the
time frame by thinking of specific events in your life that occurred
approximately 90 days ago. (Use calendar to help "anchor" the time frame).
If the respondent drinks less than once a week, you should skip the Steady
Pattern Chart and complete the Episodic Occasions Chart. You will also
need to complete the Episodic Occasions Chart if the client indicates occasions
of drinking that were heavier than his/her typical pattern. You can explain
the transition as follows:
We've gone over your typical pattern of drinking, but now I'd like
to go back and record occasions when you had more to drink than your
typical pattern. This would include both times that you drank more than
your typical amount or times that you drank on a special day or occasion
when you typically would not be drinking.
Reproducible forms with further instructions on administration and scoring
appear on the pages that follow.
Source: Adapted from Miller,
W.R., and Marlatt, G.A. (1984). Brief Drinker Profile. Odessa, FL: Psychological
Assessment Resources.
The questions below are taken from the alcohol dependence section of the Structured
Clinical Interview for DSM-IV-TR Patient Edition (SCID-I/P). SCID questions
for use in the diagnosis of alcohol abuse, as well as a full version of the
SCID designed for clinical assessment of all Axis I disorders, are also available
(See www.scid4.org).
The SCID questions are designed to allow clinicians and researchers
to systematically evaluate each of the seven indicators of dependence
specified in the DSM-IV-TR diagnostic criteria. As noted in Figure 1
on page 2 of this Guide, the DSM-IV-TR Criteria for Alcohol Dependence
involve finding three or more of the following in a 12-month period:
A. Tolerance
B. Alcohol withdrawal signs or symptoms
C. Drinking more or longer than intended
D. Persistent desire or unsuccessful attempts to control use
E. Excessive time related to alcohol
F. Reduction in social, recreational, or work activities due to alcohol
G. Use despite knowledge of physical or psychological consequences
Note: These are brief summaries of the indicators. You should
refer to DSM-IV for a complete description of each of these indicators.
Since the SCID questions do not follow the ordering of the indicators
in DSM-IV, we have indicated the relevant indicator for each question
in the interview protocol below.
Dependence Assessment Interview Protocol
I'd like to ask you some questions about your drinking habits IN THE PAST
- Drinking more or longer than intended: Have
you often found that when you started drinking you ended up drinking
much more than you were planning to?
IF NO: What about drinking for a much
longer period of time than you were planning to?
- Persistent desire or unsuccessful attempts
to control use: Have you tried to cut down or stop drinking
IF YES: Did you ever actually stop
drinking altogether? How many times did you try to cut down or
stop altogether?
IF NO: Did you want to stop or cut
down? Is this something you kept worrying about?
- Excessive time related to alcohol: Have
you spent a lot of time drinking, being high, or hung over?
- Reduction in social, recreational, or work
activities due to alcohol: Have you had times when you
would drink so often that you started to drink instead of working
or spending time at hobbies or with family or friends?
- Use despite knowledge of physical or psychological
consequences: Has your drinking caused any psychological
problems, like making you depressed or anxious, making it difficult
to sleep, or causing "blackouts"?
Has your drinking ever caused significant physical problems or made a physical
problem worse?
Did you keep drinking anyway?
- Tolerance: Have you found that
you needed to drink a lot more in order to get the feeling you wanted
than you did when you first started drinking?
IF YES: How much more?
IF NO: What about finding that, when
you drank the same amount, it had much less effect than before?
- Alcohol withdrawal signs or symptoms: Have
you ever had any withdrawal symptoms when you cut down or stopped drinking
....sweating or racing heart?
....hand shakes?
....trouble sleeping?
....feeling nauseated or vomiting?
....feeling agitated?
....or feeling anxious?
How about having a seizure or seeing, feeling, or hearing things
that weren't really there?
IF NO: Have you started the day with
a drink, or did you often drink to keep yourself from getting the
shakes or becoming sick?
Source: Adapted with permission
of Michael B. First, M.D.
First, M.B., M.D., Spitzer, R.L., Gibbon, M., and Williams, J.B.W. (2001). Structured
Clinical Interview for DSM-IV-TR Axis I Disorders, Research Version, Patient
Edition. (SCID-I/P) New York: Biometrics Research, New York State Psychiatric
The Drinker Inventory of Consequences is a self-administered 50-item questionnaire
designed to measure adverse consequences of alcohol abuse in five areas: Interpersonal,
Physical, Social, Impulsive, and Intrapersonal. This scale has been adapted
to provide a 12-month measure of adverse consequences (Other versions of the
DrInC are available at http://casaa-0031.unm.edu/inst/inst.html).
Reproducible forms for self administration of the DrInC appear on the
pages that follow.
Source: Adapted from Miller,
W. R., Tonigan, J. S., and Longabaugh, R. (1995). The Drinker Inventory
of Consequences (DrInC): An instrument for assessing adverse consequences
of alcohol abuse. NIAAA Project MATCH Monograph Series, Vol. 4, U.S.
Department of Health and Human Services, Bethesda, MD.
Assessing Alcohol Problems: A Guide
for Clinicians and Researchers - This handbook
reviews and recommends instruments and scales for assessing alcohol
problems to enable even those new to the field to understand the critical
issues involved in formal evaluation of alcoholism and alcohol treatment,
and to compare alternative measures. Handbook Series 5 due for release
in 2003.
Frequently Asked Questions Concerning
Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism - English version:
NIH Publication No. 01-4735; Spanish version: NIH Publication No.
Alcoholism: Getting the Facts -
A booklet that describes alcoholism and alcohol abuse and offers useful
information on when and where to seek help. English version: NIH Publication
No. 96-4153; Spanish version: NIH Publication No. 99-4153-S.
Alcohol: A Women's Health Issue -
This 12-minute video describes the effects of alcohol on women's health
at different life stages and includes first-person accounts of women
of various ages and ethnic groups who are in recovery, with on-screen
information on the prevalence and effects of alcohol problems. NIH Publication
No. 02-5152.
Alcohol: What You Don't Know Can Harm
You - A pamphlet that provides information
on drinking and driving, alcohol-medication interactions, interpersonal
problems, alcohol-related birth defects, long-term health problems,
and current research issues. English version: NIH Publication No.
99-4323; Spanish version: NIH Publication No. 99-4323-S.
Drinking and Your Pregnancy -
This booklet briefly conveys the lifelong medical and behavioral problems
associated with Fetal Alcohol Syndrome and advises women not to drink
during pregnancy. Revised 2001. English version: NIH Publication No.
96-4101; Spanish version: NIH Publication No. 97-4102.
How To Cut Down on Your Drinking -
A pamphlet that presents tips for those who are acting on medical advice
to reduce their alcohol consumption. English version: NIH Publication
No. 96-3770; Spanish version: NIH Publication No. 96-3770-S.
Helping Patients with Alcohol Problems:
A Health Practitioner's Guide - A guide on
screening and brief interventions for primary care practitioners,
physicians, physician's assistants, nurse practitioners and others
who see patients for general health care. Second Edition due for
release Spring 2003.
Alcohol Alerts -
These 4-page bulletins provide timely information on alcohol research,
prevention and treatment issues including: patient treatment matching,
women, the workplace, alcohol and minorities, AIDS, co-occurring disorders,
fetal alcohol exposure and the brain, aging, sleep, and more.
Alcohol Research & Health -
Each issue of this quarterly, peer-reviewed journal contains review articles
on a central topic related to alcohol research including issues such
as violence, children of alcoholics, preventing alcohol problems, and
alcohol and stress, to name just a few.
Interactions Between Alcohol and Various
Classes of Medications - A laminated 8-1/2-
by 11-inch desk chart listing drug classes, generic names, brand
names, and types of interactions between alcohol and medications.
These publications are available in full text
on NIAAA's Web site at: www.niaaa.nih.gov.
Print copies are available from:
NIAAA Publications Distribution Center
P.O. Box 10686, Rockville, MD 20849-0686
Phone: (301) 443-3860 or Fax: (301) 480-1726
Family Therapy Resources -
This online resource provides information on alcohol dependence and
a wide range of other marriage and family therapy topics. AAMFT members
can view and print out complete magazine and journal articles for free
at: www.familytherapyresources.net.
Alcohol Problems Consumer Update -
Consumers can find information about alcohol problems and a variety of
other issues addressed by marriage and family therapists. Online versions
can be found at: http://www.therapistlocator.net/.
Print copies are available from:
American Association for Marriage and
Family Therapy
112 South Alfred Street, Alexandria VA, 22314-3061
Phone: (703) 838-9808 or Fax: (703) 838-9805
to Intervene: What Programs Work? Evidence-Based Interventions
How to Intervene: What Programs Work?
Model and promising resilience-enhancing and violence prevention programs
have been identified by several different organizations, both governmental
and nongovernmental. The following section describes the publications
that these organizations provide. It should be emphasized that not
all use the same standards of evidence-based criteria to judge the
soundness of the programs that are recommended.
A. United States
Department of Health and Human Services, Youth Violence: A
Report of the Surgeon General
This report, published in 2001, includes descriptions of 27 youth violence prevention programs
that have met scientific standards for program effectiveness in the
Model and Promising categories. It also identifies programs that do
not work. The chapter on Prevention and
Intervention is a definitive discussion of best practices and the evaluation
of program effectiveness, and it distills the major reviews of youth
violence prevention programs
published in the last ten years. Youth Violence: A Report of the Surgeon
General, as well as Mental Health: A Report of the Surgeon General
(1999) and the National Action Agenda for Children's Mental Health
(2001), is available on-line at http://www.surgeongeneral.gov.
B. United States Department
of Justice, Preventing Crime: What Works, What Doesn't, What’s
A 1996 Federal law mandated that the Department of Justice (DOJ) provide
Congress with an independent review of the effectiveness of funded
State and local crime prevention programs “with
special emphasis on factors that relate to juvenile crime and the effect
of these programs on youth violence.” The law further mandated
that the review “employ rigorous and scientifically recognized
standards and methodologies” (Sherman et al., 1998). In 1997,
DOJ presented to Congress the results of its study, Preventing Crime:
What Works, What Doesn't, What’s Promising.
This report was based on a systematic review of more than 500 scientific
evaluations of crime prevention practices.
In brief, the DOJ report concluded that the following principles work
for children, families, and schools:
- For infants from 0 to 2: Frequent home visits by trained nurses
and other professionals reduce child abuse and other injuries to
- For preschoolers under age 5: Classes with weekly home visits by
preschool teachers substantially reduce arrests at least through
age 15.
- For delinquent and at-risk preadolescents: Family therapy and parent
training reduce risk factors for delinquency such as aggression and
- For schools: organizational development for innovation. Building
school capacity to initiate and sustain innovation through the use
of school teams or other organizational development strategies reduces
crime and delinquency.
- Communication and reinforcement of clear, consistent norms about
behavior through rules, reinforcement of positive behavior, and schoolwide
initiatives (such as anti-bullying campaigns) reduce crime, delinquency,
and substance abuse.
- Social competency skills curricula, such as Life Skills Training
(L.S.T.), which teach over a long period of time skills such as stress
management, problem solving, self-control, and emotional intelligence,
reduce delinquency, substance abuse, and conduct problems.
- Coaching high-risk youth in thinking skills and using behavior
modification techniques or rewards and punishments reduces substance
The most recent lists of DOJ model and promising programs are updated
regularly at the University of Maryland Web site,
C. The Center for Substance
Abuse Prevention (CSAP)
As the lead Federal agency for substance abuse prevention,
CSAP plays a major role in bridging the gap between prevention research
and practice by identifying effective programs and practices and disseminating
that knowledge to the field. Many of the effective programs that target
alcohol and drug abuse issues clearly have a positive impact on other
aspects of a child's healthy development, resilience, and mental health.
For this reason, the effective programs proposed by CSAP should be
considered by any community, school, or organization intending to develop
a comprehensive violence prevention program.
A CSAP (1998) expert review of family-focused approaches has determined
that three approaches have a high level of evidence of effectiveness
in reducing behavioral and emotional problems in youth, namely,
- Behavioral parent training;
- Family skills training (which combines parent training, children's
skills training, and family relationship enhancement and communication
practice sessions); and
- Structural or behavioral family therapy.
Forty-five research-based parenting and family intervention models
were selected by CSAP for grants to increase the capacity of communities
to deliver best practices in effective parenting and family programs
(see Exhibit III). Another resource for communities and schools is
Understanding Substance Abuse Prevention—Toward the 21st Century:
A Primer on
Effective Programs. This publication, as well as the most up-to-date
list of CSAP model programs, may be viewed at the Web site of the Substance
Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, http://www.samhsa.gov/csap.
D. National Association
of School Psychologists’ Exemplary Mental Health Programs:
School Psychologists as Mental Health Service Providers
The National Association of School Psychologists (NASP) defined “exemplary
programs” using the following criteria:
- Integrates theory, research, and practice.
- Addresses links among ecological systems (i.e., school, family,
community, peer group).
- Occupies a place within a continuum of services (prevention,
risk-reduction, early intervention, and treatment).
- Uses a collaborative-participatory model in which agency staff
and program consumers participate in program development, implementation,
and/or evaluation.
- Evaluates program acceptability, integrity, and effectiveness.
- Involves one or more school psychologists in program design, implementation,
and/or evaluation (Nastasi, Varjas, and Bernstein, 1997).
A list of NASP-recommended programs may be obtained from the National
Association of School Psychologists, Director of Professional Information
and Communication, 4340 East West Highway, Suite 402, Bethesda, MD
20814. Phone (301) 657-0270. http://www.naspweb.org.
E. Center for the Study
and Prevention of
The Center for the Study and Prevention of
Violence (CSPV) receives funding from the Centers for Disease Control
and Prevention (CDC),
NIMH, and DOJ. In 1996, CSPV initiated a project to identify “truly
outstanding” violence prevention programs.
After reviewing more than 450 prevention and
intervention programs, CSPV developed a list of ten “Blueprints.” Descriptions
of these ten most effective programs allow States, communities, and
individual agencies to
- Determine the appropriateness of an intervention for their State
or community;
- Provide a realistic
cost estimate for the intervention;
- Provide an assessment of the organizational capacity needed to
ensure successful start-up and operation over time; and
- Give some indication of the potential barriers and obstacles that
might be encountered when attempting to implement this type of intervention.
Each of these programs was required to meet rigorous selection criteria,
including an experimental design, evidence of a statistically significant
deterrent effect, replication in at least one additional site with
experimental design and demonstrated effects, and evidence that the
deterrent effect was sustained for at least one year posttreatment.
According to Elliott, these high standards reflect “the level
of confidence needed to build a violence prevention initiative,
with the objective of allowing communities to implement these programs
with the confidence of effectiveness in deterring violence, if implemented
with integrity.” See Exhibit I for a list of CSPV model and promising
programs. Additional information can also be obtained from the CSPV
Web site, http://www.colorado.edu/cspv.
F. Communities That
Careš Prevention Strategies:
A Research Guide to What Works
Communities That Care (CTC) is a comprehensive, research-based community
mob-ilization and planning organization that helps schools, families,
local agencies and organizations, the media, and young people themselves
collaborate in the creation of a safe, supportive environment for all.
CTC has identified a number of prevention strategies
that have been shown through high-quality research to be effective
in reducing risk factors and enhancing protective factors for adolescent
health and behavior problems. These prevention strategies
are used in programs that
- Address research-based risk factors for substance abuse, delinquency,
teen pregnancy, school dropout, and violence;
- Increase protective factors by (a) strengthening healthy beliefs
and clear standards for behavior, or (b) building bonds to family,
community, school, and/or positive peers by providing opportunities
for meaningful contribution, teaching skills necessary for contributing,
and recognizing skillful performance;
- Intervene at a developmentally appropriate age; and
- Have shown positive effects in high-quality tests.
The guide lists programs that have demonstrated significant effects
on risk and protective factors in controlled studies or community trials
and some that have also shown positive effects on health and behavior
Communities That Careš Prevention Strategies:
A Research Guide to What Works divides the list of programs into four
categories: family, school, community, and community-based youth programs.
The guide contains far too many programs to include in this document.
A copy of the guide may be obtained from Developmental Research and
Programs, Inc., 130 Nickerson, Suite 107, Seattle, WA 98109. Phone
(800) 736-2630; FAX (206) 286-1462. http://www.drp.org.
G. Center for Mental
Health Services, Literature on the Development of Resilience
In planning interventions, one would do well to heed the
advice of researchers who have focused on resilience; their work “offers
the prevention,
education, and youth development fields solid research evidence for
placing human development at the focus of everything that we do” (Benard,
1996). Essential components of strength-based, resilience-enhancing
experiences—whether at home, at school, or in the community—are
caring relationships, high expectations and adequate support to meet
them, and opportunities to contribute to other people or to the world
at large. See Exhibit II for sample programs. Additional information
may be obtained from the Center for Mental Health Services (CMHS),
Special Programs Development Branch (SPDB), Room 17C-05, 5600 Fishers
Lane, Rockville, MD 20857, or NDavis1@SAMHSA.gov.
H. U.S. Departments of Education and Justice, Annual Reports on School
Since 1998, the U.S. Departments of Education and Justice have jointly
prepared annual reports on school safety to describe the nature and
extent of crime and violence on school properties. The 1999 and 2000
reports also highlight the communities which have received Safe Schools/Healthy
Students grants from CMHS and Federal Partners in Justice Education,
and summarize information on effective programs. The material is organized
by the types of problems schools encounter, such as aggression, fighting,
bullying, family issues, gangs, racial and other bias-related conflict,
sexual harassment/sexual violence, substance abuse, truancy/dropout,
vandalism, and weapons. Resources for more information about school
safety and crime issues are listed. The reports are on-line at the
Web sites of the Safe and Drug-Free Schools Programs Office (www.ed.gov/offices/OESE/SDFS)
and the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (www.ncjrs.org/ojjdp).
I. Proceedings of the National Suicide Prevention Conference:
Advancing the National Strategy for Suicide Prevention
This October 1998 conference brought together suicide prevention experts
from across the country to develop core recommendations that could
be adopted as a national strategy. Distinguished researchers and experts
reviewed the research literature and existing programs to determine
which programs hold the most promise for the future of suicide prevention.
These are their recommendations for suicide prevention interventions
in school-aged children:
- Promote education and awareness to individuals at risk, their families,
and care providers on signs and symptoms of depression and suicidal
- Develop effective methods to reduce stigma and embarrassment about
seeking help and accessing mental health services. Promote the message, “It
is OK to seek help.”
- Develop and implement education programs for youth to help them
self-identify symptoms of depression and suicidalilty and to provide
information on the nature and treatment of mood disorders.
- Endorse proactive skill development beginning in early childhood.
School programs should include coping skills for loss, impulse control,
anger management, problem solving, conflict resolution, emotional
liability, and depression management. In addition, they should promote
developmental assets and resiliency.
- Develop, implement, and evaluate specific screening projects for
students entering middle school, high school, and college.
- Incorporate suicide prevention in
a proven, safe, and age-appropriate comprehensive health curriculum
for all students throughout the school years, with accompanying materials
for family members.
- Improve linkages between schools and mental health services for
- Bring focus to school mental health efforts through training of
administrators, teachers, school staff, and others.
- Establish school-based health clinics for mental and physical health.
of Mental Illness
- Identify, treat, and improve treatment (e.g., through services
or referral)
for youth with conduct disorders, substance abuse, and affective
psychotic disorders.
Alcohol and
Other Drug Abuse
- Reduce alcohol and other substance abuse among high-risk populations.
Access to
Mental Health/Health Services
- Identify dropouts and other youth without community affiliation
as being at high risk and treat accordingly.
- Educate and train community people who are likely to come into
contact with persons at risk for suicide so that they can recognize
and respond to them. Among those who should be trained are teachers,
human resource managers, bus drivers, families, clergy, and law enforcement
- Develop culturally appropriate stress management techniques for
- Develop guidelines and training for practitioners who deal with
children and youth. This training should include best practices,
issues specific to youth, and appropriate diagnostic and treatment
- Encourage the implementation of effective crisis intervention programs
for the entire school community after a suicide.
Additional information may be obtained from the Suicide Prevention Advocacy
Network, 5034 Odin’s Way, Marietta, GA 30068. Phone (888) 649-1366.
J. United States General
Accounting Office
In addition to the recommendations of the above organizations, the
U.S. General Accounting Office (GAO) in 1995 identified seven characteristics
associated with the most promising violence prevention programs:
- Comprehensive approach. These programs recognize violence as a
complex problem that requires a multifaceted response addressing
more than one problem area and involving a variety of services that
link schools to the community.
- Early start and long-term commitment. These programs (a) reach
young children to shape attitudes, knowledge, and behavior while
they are still open to positive influences and (b) sustain the intervention
over multiple years (e.g., from kindergarten through 12th grade).
- Strong leadership and disciplinary policies. Principals and school
administrators sustain stable funding, staff, and program components,
and, most important, they collaborate with others to reach program
goals. In addition, student disciplinary policies are clear and consistently
- Staff development. Key school administrators, teachers, and staff
are trained to handle disruptive students and mediate conflict as
well as to understand and incorporate prevention strategies
into their school activities.
- Parental involvement. The schools seek to increase parental involvement
in reducing violence by providing training in violence prevention skills,
making home visits, and enlisting parents as volunteers.
- Interagency partnerships and community linkages. The schools seek
community support in making school antiviolence policies and programs
work. To accomplish this, they develop collaborative agreements in
which school personnel, local businesses, law enforcement officers,
social service agencies, and private groups work together to address
the multiple causes of violence.
- Culturally sensitive and developmentally appropriate materials
and activities. Program materials and activities are designed to
be compatible with (a) students' cultural values and norms, using
bilingual materials and culturally appropriate program activities,
role models, and leaders, and (b) participants’ age and level
of development.
Treatment of substance abuse can be expensive. Some companies
cover these expenses and many managed care programs are now supporting treatment
for addiction. They are realizing that the cost, both human and financial, of
drug and alcohol dependency far exceeds the price of treatment. If cost is an
issue always check your local yellow pages for county and state programs, as
well as church programs or Salvation Army.
This may be necessary if the denial system is firmly entrenched
and if detoxification is required. If an intervention (see The
Intervention Center for more on this technique) has been necessary, sometimes
inpatient rehabilitation is part of the treatment. If there are dangerous physical
concerns regarding detoxification, then an inpatient treatment will be essential.
Detox is considered to be the beginning of treatment, not the treatment itself. To detox and discharge is ineffective
and dangerous unless ongoing therapeutic and community support is arranged.
3.The ACCEPT© Model
Developed by Phoenix Helm Simpson LMFTand Kate
Amatruda MFCC, this model involves:
- Assessment
- Compassion
- Confrontation
- Education
- Psychotherapy
addressing the body-mind-spirit continuum
in the addict and the family
- Twelve
Step Referrals
Twelve Step Programs
As should be clear at this
point we are great supporters of the Twelve Step Programs due to their long
term effectiveness, compassion and 24 hour a day 7 day a week availability.
The Step One in the Twelve Step Programs is "We admitted we were powerless over alcohol - that our lives had become
unmanageable." Narcotic
Anonymous states:
The core of the Narcotics
Anonymous recovery program is a series of personal activities known as the
Twelve Steps, adapted from Alcoholics Anonymous. These "steps" include
admitting there is a problem, seeking help, self-appraisal, confidential self-disclosure,
making amends where harm has been done, and working with other drug addicts
who want to recover. Central to the program is an emphasis on what is referred
to as a "spiritual awakening," emphasizing its practical value,
not its philosophical or metaphysical import, which has posed very little
difficulty in translating the program across cultural boundaries. Narcotics
Anonymous itself is nonreligious and encourages each member to
cultivate an individual understanding, religious or not, of
this "spiritual awakening."
There are however, many
clients who will resist the AA approach, and part of the task of the compassionate
therapist is to explore the resistance, as well as know what other options are
available to the client.
5. Cognitive-Behavioral
While this model differs in key ways from the focus of this course,
it is important to know of its methodology. There is an on-line manual on the
Treatment of Cocaine
Addiction by Kathleen Carroll, Ph.D. for the National Institute of Drug
Abuse. Focus is on assisting clients to recognize triggers and situations in
which they are most likely to use the drug of choice, avoid the triggers when
possible, and learn new ways to cope.
6. Community
Reinforcement Model
The National Institute of Health has an on-line
manual for treating cocaine addiction using community
reinforcement vouchers by Alan J. Budney, Ph.D. and Stephen T. Higgins Ph.D.
This is a 24 week
program focusing on drug avoidance skills, lifestyle changes and relationship
counseling combined with objective monitoring (urinalysis) and rewards in the
form of vouchers with the goal of abstinence. Therapists are encouraged to be
active, involoved and have a good understanding of behavioral modification techniques.
7. The Role
of Medication
Medication has two roles in the treatment
of chemical dependency. The first is in treating target symptoms such
as detoxification,
cravings, and withdrawal. The second use of psychotropics is with dual
diagnosis populations, those with depression, schizophrenia, bipolar
disorder, ADD and
ADHD, anxiety disorder, etc. It is unfortunately beyond the scope of
this course to examine the use of psychotropics with people who are addicts.
Program for Family and Addict
Many in-patient programs and community agencies have low cost
or free series of lectures regarding the dynamics of addiction and codependence.
These are valuable for the addict, the family and the therapist. Education is
the the major tool for confronting denial and beginning recovery.
Please go now to NCADI
(The National Clearinghouse for Alcohol and Drug Information) for their phone
resource list, including hotlines, self-help groups and web site treatment
For a treatment facility in your locale, try searching for SAMHSA's
National Directory of Drug Abuse and Alcoholism Treatment and Prevention Programs.
Chapter 5
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