Katie Amatruda, PsyD, MFT, CST-T, BCETS is a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist, Board Certified Expert in Traumatic Stress - Diplomat, American Academy of Experts in Traumatic Stress, and a teaching member of the International Society for Sandplay Therapy. Kate has extensive experience in working with men, women, adolescents and children who are living with HIV and AIDS.  She started working with The Shanti Project in 1981, before AIDS even had a name.  She trained volunteers in cross-cultural aspects of death and dying and working with children and families who were impacted by AIDS until 1985.  She researched symbolic process through the sandplays of children with cancer and men with AIDS at the California Pacific Medical Center.

She teaches in the Extended Education Departments of U. C. Berkeley and Santa Cruz and Sonoma State University. She has published articles for the Archives of Sandplay Therapy and The Journal of Sandplay Therapy. She lectures internationally and consults and practices in Northern California.   She knows firsthand the perils and the glory of the process of becoming more fully human.

Kate co-authored Sandplay,  The Sacred Healing, A Guide to Symbolic Process (1997, Taos: Trance*Sand*Dance Press) and Reweaving the Web: The Treatment of Substance Abuse with Phoenix Helm Simpson, LMFT.  Kate is the web weaver and designer of www.psychceu.com and www.sandplay.org.

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