Developmental Chart: From the Book

Sandplay, the Sacred Healing: A Guide to Symbolic Process

by Kate Amatruda and Phoenix Helm Simpson

3 & under 
trust vs. basic mistrust autonomy vs. shame, doubt 
uncontained; track the process rather than the finished tray. 
Sharks, monsters, babies parents; anything they can reach off the shelf 
initiative vs. guilt 
ordering - look for disruption, lining the tray 
categories of figures, farm animals, family figures, bathroom fixtures 
industry vs. inferiority 
order - beginning story "magic" 
fantasy figures, babies, houses 
6 - 8 
industry vs. inferiority 
very busy - "random" story telling 
cars, weddings, fantasy, ego figures, setting fires 
9 - 10 
industry vs. inferiority 
sequential story telling; beginning abstract images 
knights, soldiers, horses, family constellations 
11 - 14
identity vs. role diffusion 
beginning of journey - approach of the ominous 
mythic fantasy, dungeons, princesses 
Older adolescents 
identity vs. role diffusion 
resemble adults - journeys 
all - more abstract 
Young Adulthood 
intimacy vs. isolation 
Journeys, gatherings, centering 
Ego figures; ideal masculine, feminine, churches, temples, wedding items, couples 
Middle Adulthood 
generativity vs. stagnation 
Journeys, gatherings, mounds and voids 
Babies, children, eggs, mother and child, father and child, gardens, treasures, families 
Late Adulthood 
ego integrity vs. despair 
Journeys, quests, centering, meeting of ego and divine, obstacles, scarcity 
Mystery, unknown, hidden spiritual figures 

This chart is a general guideline. As with the other interpretive material, please do not use in a rigid manner. Remember, an adult or child with a earlier trauma may have trays that appear similar to a child of that age that the trauma occurred.
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Sandplay, The Sacred Healing




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