The Secret World of Drawings:
A Jungian Approach to Healing through Art

Gregg M. Furth, Ph.D.

This course meets the qualifications for 10 hours of continuing education units


The Secret World of Drawings begins with the premise that drawings are an expression of the unconscious. Referring to the works of C.G. Jung, Susan Bach, the House-Tree -Person and Kinetic Family Drawings, Jungian Analyst Gregg Furth creates a new and dynamic way to look at spontaneous drawings. Furth's teaching of how to collect and then interpret drawings are a must for any child therapist, anyone working in the art therapy field, as well as those in the medical and healing professions. Cases and vignettes include adults who are interested in exploring the unknown realms within themselves, as well as those who are ill or dying.

"The author's clarity of vision and deep compassion for those in need - whether adult or child, counselor or client - has led him to offer this succinct explication of Jung's ideas as applied to to the symbolism of imagery from the unconscious. Both the text and the many illustrations show how a healing path may be found through the expression of self in drawings and paintings. Rich reference section for further reading in art therapy, Jungian psychology and symbolism." (From the Publisher at

Learning Objectives:

1. To understand the basic assumptions regarding drawings as an expression of the unconscious.
2. To understand the basic techniques for collecting spontaneous drawings.
3. To understand the key elements in the interpretation of symbolic art.
4. To know how to present the concept of unconscious process appearing in art with compassion and understanding.
To know when this technique is contraindicated.
6. To understand the possible benefits and limitations of spontaneous drawings in a clinical settings
7. To be familiarized with the "Focal Points" in spontaneous drawings

is approved by the:

CA BBS - California Board of Behavioral Science accepts our CE Provider Approvals through APA, NASW, and NBCC. Course meets the qualifications for hours of continuing education credit for LMFTs, LCSWs, LPCCs, and/or LEPs as required by the California Board of Behavioral Science
Florida Board of Clinical Social Work, Marriage and Family Therapy, Mental Health Counseling (BAP 753 )
NAADAC - The Association for Addiction Professionals (#575)
NBCC - National Board for Certified Counselors - has been approved by NBCC as an Approved Continuing Education Provider, ACEP No. 6055. Programs that do not qualify for NBCC credit are clearly identified. is solely responsible for all aspects of the programs. (ACEP #6055)
Texas State Board of Examiners of Professional Counselors (#1761)
The Texas Board of Social Work Examiners (#6246)
maintains responsibility for the program.



A course meeting the qualifications for 10 hours of continuing education credit


This course consists of a post-test based upon reading the text. There is no online material to read. After you pass the post-test, you may print out your own certificate.

To receive credit students must
  • register for the course (order on-line or call 888-777-3773), after which you will receive the Post-Test.  
  • the cost of the course is $110, the ebook is additional
  • read THE SECRET WORLD OF DRAWINGS: A Jungian Approach to Healing through Art by Gregg M. Furth with an Introduction by Elisabeth Kubler-Ross

  • Pass the post-test and evaluate the course.
  • Upon passing the test, print your own certificate of completion.


how it works

Due to the wonders of technology, the minute you submit your order over our secure line, it is encrypted, and processed safely and securely by, a secure web processor. Or, if you prefer, call us toll-free 888-777-3773.

You will immediately receive confirmation of your order, your password and how to access the course material. (Please do not block e-mails from, and

If you ordered an online course, you can begin to take the course immediately.

You will receive instructions, via e-mail, on how to take your test online.

Contact us or call if you need technical support.

Your test will be graded online, so the moment you have passed, you may print out your certificate of completion.

That's it! You are done!

Focal points that you will learn to notice in spontaneous drawings from reading

The Secret World of Drawings:
A Jungian Approach to Healing through Art

Gregg M. Furth, Ph.D.

1. "What Feeling Does the Picture Convey?"
2. "What is Odd?"
3. "Barriers"
4. "What is Missing?"
5. "What is Central?"
6. "Size" of objects in the picture.
7. "Shape Distortion"
8. "Repeated Objects"
9. "Perspective"
10. "Carry Yourself Into the Picture"
11. "Shading" of objects in the picture.
12. "Edging" ("A figure or objects along the edge of
the paper that often even goes off the edge of the paper....")
13. "Compare to the Surrounding World."
14. "Out of Season" objects.
15. "Encapsulation" (" ... The need to draw boundaries
around oneself, to set oneself apart from others...")
16. "Extensions: Any device drawn in the hand of a figure"
17. "Back of Drawing"
18. "Underlining"
19. "Erasures"
20. "Words in Drawings"
21. "Line Across the Top of the Page"
22. "Transparency"
23. "Movement"
24. "Abstract"
25. "Filled in Versus Empty"
26. "Trees and Age"

©Gregg Furth


Gregg M. Furth, Ph.D., was a graduate of the C.G. Jung Institute in Zürich. He was a contributing author of Living with Death and Dying by Elisabeth Kübler-Ross, and the author of The Secret World of Drawings. He studied with Kübler-Ross and Susan Bach, and lectured worldwide on "Death, Dying and Bereavement" "Impromptu Drawings as an Aid to Doctor, Patient and Counselor" "Bereavement and Aftercare" "Hospice, Death and Grief" " Euthanasia" "Children and Death" "Death and Dying from a Pre-schooler's Point of View" "Children, Parents and Their Concepts of Death" "Explaining Death to Children" "A Look at Aging: Concepts of Aging" and "Counseling the Stressful Child - The Use of Impromptu Paintings". Furth died in 2005.




APA Ethics

We do adhere to the American Psychological Association's Ethical Principles of Psychologists. Our courses are carefully screened by the Planning Committee to adhere to APA standards. We also require authors who compose Internet courses specifically for us follow APA ethical standards.

Many of our courses contain case material, and may use the methods of qualitative research and analysis, in-depth interviews and ethnographic studies. The psychotherapeutic techniques depicted may include play therapy, sandplay therapy, dream analysis, drawing analysis, client and therapist self-report, etc. The materials presented may be considered non-traditional and may be controversial, and may not have widespread endorsement within the profession. maintains responsibility for the program and its content.


"Artwork as a healing process" by Gregg Furth

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