Nine Windows to Wholeness
by Pratibha Eastwood, Ph.D.


This course meets the qualifications for 15 hours of continuing education units

Human beings have always had a fundamental need to create order and find meaning in life. This book is a multi-disciplinary investigation of number archetypes. It brings together the diverse fields of mythology, fairy tales, religion, architecture, mathematics, geometry, chemistry, and physics into nine perspectives as a way to order and simplify the vast material presented by the unconscious.

Numbers are examined in the context of real-life examples drawn from case studies in sandplay therapy. With the "map" of number archetypes 1 through 9 as they appear in therapy, the reader is provided with a new reference in which to explore his or her own dreams, creativity, emotions, and everyday life. This book also provides exercises to practice pinpointing the number archetypes as they appear in sandplay therapy.


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Numbers are one of the basic archetypes that give meaning to our experience. It has been suggested that they are the most essential element of order in the human mind, if not the archetype of order. More than that, numbers and their corresponding geometrical forms (e.g., circle, triangle) have represented to humanity such principles as wholeness, polarity, balance, and cyclicity. They investigate what, consciously or unconsciously, many of us are struggling to achieve: the experience of wholeness. In a sense, each number represents a different strategy by which to address the chaos of the universe and find a window to wholeness.

The modern scientific view often seems to focus on the quantitative aspect of numbers, viewing them as mere identifiers of quantity. The ancients, closer to the origin of numbers than modern humans, had more of a sense of their numinosity, a feeling for what we now call the qualitative aspect of numbers. Even though mathematicians count and manipulate them in many ways, numbers are essentially spiritual and mystical. For example, the names of Mayan myths' main gods are all numbers. Humans did not invent numbers, but discovered them as an integral part of reality. If we go to the etymological root of the word "number" in various languages, we get folkloric confirmation that in fact relates to something much deeper than counting. The Greek word for number is arithmos. This gives us the idea that number was originally a rhythm. The verb "to tell" in German is erzahlen, which is derived from the word Zahl, number. In French, as well, "to tell" is raconter, which is akin to "computing" or "counting." In Chinese the word for enumerate means Suan, to count the origin of what is going to happen. In these etymological structures one sees that man must originally have known that when he tells a myth or archetypal tale, it is like counting. It follows a certain ordered rhythm of events.1 No wonder then, that Jung hypothesized that numbers are the archetypes that unite the world of the psyche and the world of matter.

Though seemingly forgotten and neglected, the motivating factor of mathematics was the belief that numbers are the ultimate answer to all the riddles of the physical universe. Marie-Louise von Franz, suggests that we look at this archetype as if the Self was like a number clock that pulses rhythmically.2

According to the ancient mathematical philosophers, numbers and the geometrical shapes that represent them are a consistent, comprehensible language, a complete archetypal source book. Thus, symbolic mathematics provides a map of our inner sacred structure, both psychological and spiritual. We find numbers in nature, physics, music, religion, fairy tales, mythology, astrology, divination, trade, agriculture, architecture, and of course, psychology. There is almost no area of life where numbers fail to appear. Marie-Louise von Franz writes, "Since our most basic psychological structure is formed by the archetypes, which means generally collective patterns of behavior, we all then too react in the same way in certain situations -[Thus,] if there is an archetype constellated in a patient's unconscious, one can to a great extent predict his reactions and problems, because - if one knows how - it is possible to read such a pattern and at the same time reconstruct the conscious situation and problems- If we know the deepest underlying archetypal constellation of our present situation then we can, to a certain extent, know how things will go."3 It is my desire in this book to connect visible daily psychological behaviors to the archetypes of order, the nine number archetypes, to learn how to recognize the different states of consciousness that lead to individuation.
¬ 2002 by Pratibha S. Eastwood, Ph.D., Inc.

This book explores the unconscious as a language that leads you home to wholeness. Nine Windows to Wholeness is a unique contribution to the literature. We believe it is the forerunner to writings of coming generations of Sandplay theorists and researchers. This well researched book provides a new level of insight that should make it attractive to a wide range of clinicians and spiritual seekers. We highly recommend it for both beginning and experienced clinicians, as well as those who want to enlarge their understanding of the archetypal meaning of numbers-Harriet Friedman, Jungian analyst and founding member of Sandplay Therapist of America.- Rie Rogers Mitchell, Ph.D., ABPP, licensed psychologist, professor of educational psychology and counseling at California State University Northridge, co-authors of Sandplay: Past, Present and Future.

Learning Objectives

This 15 unit course will teach clinicians :

*What number archetypes are

* How to identify the essence of each archetype 1 through 9.

*To differentiate between the two perspectives of understanding the sandplay process, evolutionary and synchronistic.

* Extrapolate how numbers appear in the sandplay and symbolic process.

*About the nine archetypal connections between our everyday reality and the wholeness found hidden in the numbers

*How to use this knowledge to work empathically with yourself and others


This course consists of a post-test based upon reading the text. There is no online material to read. After you pass the post-test, you may print out your own certificate.


"The wealth of information and insights in this book cannot be assimilated in one sitting. It is a resource that therapists and seekers of higher consciousness will use time and time again to illuminate a specific aspect of consciousness emerging in the sand tray and/or to follow one's own or another's life journey. The meaning that comes from understanding the number archetypes can become so enriching and numinous that it invites an ongoing relationship with this book. We recommend it highly for both beginning and experienced clinicians, as well as for those who want to enlarge their understanding of the archetypal meaning of numbers." Harriet S. Friedman and Rie Rogers Mitchell, February 2002, Los Angeles CA

This course meets the qualifications for 15 hours of continuing education units

Cost - $165 for 15 ces + $35 text + shipping

To receive credit students must

* Hardcover: 369 pages * ISBN: 0-9720889-0-3
* Publisher: Sanity Press; ( 2002)
$35.00 + shipping and handling

  • Pass the post-test
  • Upon passing the test, print your own certificate of completion.


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Table of Contents

Foreword ix

Introduction 3

Part I

One Sandplay Therapy and the Numbers as Psyche's images 17

Two How Numbers Show in the Sand 25

Three The Archetype of One: Unity 33

Four The Archetype of Two: Duality, Polarity, and Division (Samsara) 49

Five The Archetype of Three: Trinity, a New Integration 64

Six The Archetype of Four: Quaternity as Realization81

Seven The Archetype of Five: Quintessence, Awakening, and Regeneration 100

Eight The Archetype of Six: Union of Opposites and Integration 120

Nine The Archetype of Seven: Initiation into Wisdom 134

Ten The Archetype of Eight: The Auspicious Double Quandrinity 156

Eleven The Archetype of Nine: The Sacred Final Unit178

Part II

Twelve The Onethrough Nine Number System Compared to the Evolutionary Psychological Development System of Erik Erikson 203

Thirteen Unity Within Diversity: The Eastern Synchronistic Approach as Related to the Number Archetypes 210

Fourteen The Numbers and the Ten Oxherding Pictures 219

Fifteen Numbers: Static or Dynamic 236

Sixteen Using the Number Archetypes as Guidelines to Transference Issues 239

Seventeen Using the Material in Clients Process244

Part III

Eighteen Number Practice Section 251

1. Overview: general guidelines

2. Survey of the numbers in this book

3. Test your skills: practice cases

Appendix A Life Path Map to Life Purpose308

Glossary 342

Bibliography 345

Illustration Credits 353

Index 359

Pratibha S. Eastwood, Ph.D., STA/ISST, is a licensed psychologist and certified sandplay therapist, teacher and supervisor. She received her academic training from the University of California, Berkeley. As a teacher in Israel, a professor of Counseling Psychology in California, a group leader and meditation teacher, and a holistic healer based in Hawaii but with extensive world travel, Dr. Eastwood witnessed number archetypes surfacing repeatedly, despite the different communities, cultures, and histories. Her unique multidisciplinary approach, which includes a variety of spiritual disciplines, enriches her perspective.
In recent years, Dr. Eastwood, adept in the study of numbers, has also integrated her understanding of numbers into her study of Jungian work and sandplay therapy, She developed a software program on the subject, has published articles in the Journal of Sandplay Therapy, and has conducted numerous workshops and seminars. Dr. Eastwood is currently practicing psychology in Honolulu, Hawaii. She has the consistent reputation of being on the leading edge of her profession.


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We do adhere to the American Psychological Association's Ethical Principles of Psychologists. Our courses are carefully screened by the Planning Committee to adhere to APA standards. We also require authors who compose Internet courses specifically for us follow APA ethical standards.

Many of our courses contain case material, and may use the methods of qualitative research and analysis, in-depth interviews and ethnographic studies. The psychotherapeutic techniques depicted may include play therapy, sandplay therapy, dream analysis, drawing analysis, client and therapist self-report, etc. The materials presented may be considered non-traditional and may be controversial, and may not have widespread endorsement within the profession. maintains responsibility for the program and its content.

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