The Storm


Chapter 10: References and Resources


Eliot, T.S. Collected Poems, 1909-1962. (1963) London: Faber and Faber.

Blofeld, John. Bodhisattva of Compassion; The Mystical Tradition of Kuan Yin. (1978) Boston: Shambhala.

Meiss, M. and Kirsch, E. the Visconti Hours, (1972) NY: George Braziller.


Grateful acknowledgment is made to the following resources for allowing me to link to their websites:

Chapter 1.
The National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases and National Institute of Health has an on-line fact sheet on HIV Infection and AIDS.

UCSF HIVinsite: Gateway to AIDS Knowledge
is a web site devoted to information on HIV and AIDS, in English and Spanish. Please see their

World Map with HIV/AIDS information by country and their

U.S. Map  which includes HIV/AIDS information by state.

There is one home test for HIV approved by the FDA, the link from their Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research has the details.

Chapter 2.
For more details on testing for HIV, go to the HIV Antibody Testing Link.

Chapter 3.
For more images of Kuan Yin, please go to Kuan Yin.

From the HIV Insite website You Just Found Out You're HIV Positive.

Chapter 4.

For more information on named surveillance, please go to theSF AIDS Foundation.

For a discussion on legal issues, go to "Confidentiality, Privacy, and the 'Right to Know'" By Lawrence O. Gostin, JD, at

"Physician's Duties to Patients and Third Parties Further Defined" by Jason F. Kaar, Maj, USAF, JA reviews recent lawsuits arising from the Tarasoff decision and HIV and AIDS diagnoses. It may be found at:

Chapter 6.

If you are in the position to tell someone they have HIV or AIDS or have been exposed, please go to How to Tell Patients They Have (or Do Not Have) HIV

Chapter 7.

Please go to Insite's section on Adolescents and Youth :

For more information on this, go to the End of Life Issues section of Getting Started: Basic Skills for Effective Social Work with People  with HIV and AIDS by Michael Shernoff, ACSW.

Chapter 8.

THE BODY: An AIDS and HIV Information Resource.
First Steps: Testing Positive and Taking Charge

This site also offers Internet support groups which they call  COMMUNITIES  with discussion threads

For medical terms, go to the Glossary of theJAMA HIV/AIDS Information Center.

Center for Disease Control and Prevention.

The ACLU has an HIV/AIDS website.

Another resource is an on-line manual written by the AIDS Legal Referral Panel of the San Francisco Bay Area

Please look at some of the images from the AIDS Memorial Quilt

For an overview of diagnostic categories, go to the link
HIV-Associated Psychiatric Disorders.


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