Disaster Mental Health Series:

This course meets the qualifications for 2 hours of continuing education


Approved by the Association for Play Therapy (#02-117) for 2 hours Distance Learning Continuing Education

This DVD course covers trauma treatment; focusing on play, art and sandplay done immediately after the September 11 terrorist attack. The DVD features Therese Bimka, of Frontiers in Psychotherapy.tv, interviewing Kate Amatruda. The interview aired in New York on September 11, 2002, one year after the World Trade Center attack. Topics covered include:

  • the therapist's role in the initial 48 hours following a disaster
  • art created by children expressing their feelings and experiences subsequent to a trauma
  • sandplay and play therapy created by children following September 11
  • sandplay created by an adult who was very close to Ground Zero
  • Reference is made to the use of the elements - earth, air, fire and water in play therapy and sandplay
  • The role of the elements and the chakras in Tibetan Buddhism, and how this model can used in the healing of trauma
  • the cellular level of trauma as it appears in symbolic play
  • the emergence of the symbol of The Statue of Liberty as a healing archetype

Please join us in this 2 unit course.


Learning Objectives

In this 2 unit course clinicians will:

    1. Understand the feelings of anxiety, depression, rage and grief in children and adolescents subsequent to a trauma.

    2. Identify immediate interventions in the first 24- 48 hours after a trauma.

    3. Know how to differentiate ASD from PTSD.

    4. Know the importance of exploring their own countertransference with regard to trauma, particularly in regard to any trauma that they suffered as a child or adolescent.

    5. Understand the concept of how children at different developmental stages will have different reactions to a trauma.

    6. Become familiar with how the elements and Tibetan Buddhist chakra system relate to the cellular level of healing.

This course consists of a post-test based upon viewing the video or DVD. The online portions include a Forum for discussion and the post-test. There is no online material to read. After you pass the post-test, you may print out your own certificate.

is approved by the:

CA BBS - California Board of Behavioral Science accepts our CE Provider Approvals through APA, NASW, and NBCC. Course meets the qualifications for hours of continuing education credit for LMFTs, LCSWs, LPCCs, and/or LEPs as required by the California Board of Behavioral Science
Florida Board of Clinical Social Work, Marriage and Family Therapy, Mental Health Counseling (BAP 753 )
ISST/STA - International Society for Sandplay Therapy/Sandplay Therapists of America
NAADAC - The Association for Addiction Professionals (#575)
NBCC - National Board for Certified Counselors - www.psychceu.com has been approved by NBCC as an Approved Continuing Education Provider, ACEP No. 6055. Programs that do not qualify for NBCC credit are clearly identified. www.psychceu.com is solely responsible for all aspects of the programs. (ACEP #6055)
Texas State Board of Examiners of Professional Counselors (#1761)
The Texas Board of Social Work Examiners (#6246)

maintains responsibility for the program.



To receive credit students must
  • register for the course (order on-line or call toll-free 888-777-3773), after which you will receive the Post-Test. 
  • the cost of the course is $22, the DVD is an additional $49.95 +shipping and handling
  • View the DVD Trauma Treatment - September 11

    DVD: running time one hour
    © 2002 Frontiers in Psychotherapy.tv and 2005 www.psychceu.com
    Produced in the studios of Brooklyn Community Access Television

  • Pass the post-test
  • Upon passing the test, print out your own certificate of completion

APA Ethics

We do adhere to the American Psychological Association's Ethical Principles of Psychologists. Our courses are carefully screened by the Planning Committee to adhere to APA standards. We also require authors who compose Internet courses specifically for us follow APA ethical standards.

Many of our courses contain case material, and may use the methods of qualitative research and analysis, in-depth interviews and ethnographic studies. The psychotherapeutic techniques depicted may include play therapy, sandplay therapy, dream analysis, drawing analysis, client and therapist self-report, etc. The materials presented may be considered non-traditional and may be controversial, and may not have widespread endorsement within the profession. www.psychceu.com maintains responsibility for the program and its content.


Kate Amatruda, LMFT, CST-T, BCETS, is a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist, a Board Certified Expert in Traumatic Stress, and a teaching member of the International Society for Sandplay Therapy. She is a Disaster Service Mental Health volunteer with the Red Cross, and has responded to the Katrina disaster, as well as to local fires and floods with the Disaster Action Team. She went to Sri Lanka with the Association for Play Therapy and OperationUSA. She has lectured internationally and teaches in the Extended Education departments at U.C. Berkeley and Sonoma State University. She is the author of A Field Guide to Disaster Mental Health: Providing Psychological First Aid,  HIV: The Storm, Psyche & Soma, Trauma, Terror and Treatment, and Painted Ponies: Bipolar Disorder in Children, Adolescents and Adults. Her work with children with cancer is featured in the video Sandplay Therapy and the Liminal World. She is the co-author of Sandplay, The Sacred Healing: A Guide to Symbolic Process and Reweaving the Web: The Treatment of Substance Abuse. She practices in Northern California.

Therese Bimka is a clinical social worker in private practice since 1995. Ms. Bimka has worked in agency settings in various supervisory capacities including program design and development for children, adolescents and parents. Ms. Bimka is one of the founders of Frontiers In Psychotherapy.tv, a cable tv show dedicated to consumer education and professional development. As a clinician, Ms Bimka integrates psychodynamic verbal therapy with diverse experiential and expressive modalities like Jungian Sandplay and Art Therapy, Guided Visualizations and Gestalt, creating a unique approach that is engaging, interactive and individualized. For more information, please visit www.THERESEBIMKA.com


Images may be subject to copyright.


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This course counts as a 'regular' (not self-study) course by the CA BBS!


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