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Contemporary Play Therapy

Edited by
Charles E. Schaefer, PhD and Heidi Gerard Kaduson, PhD


This course meets the qualifications for 9 hours of continuing education

Edited by Charles E. Schaefer (Professor of Psychology at Fairleigh Dickinson University) and Heidi Gerard Kaduson (specialist in evaluation and intervention services for children with behavioral, emotional, and learning problems), Contemporary Play Therapy: Theory, Research, and Practice is an anthology of essays written by professionals, for professionals. Essays discuss current ideas and techniques concerning the helpful tool of play therapy, research evaluating the effectiveness of play therapy, and creative approaches for applying play therapy in situations ranging from parental divorce, maltreatment, and abuse, to surviving natural disasters and much more. A special section concerning cultural competence when treating Mexican-American children rounds out this invaluable compilation of the latest findings in the field.

Please join us in this 9 unit course.


This course consists of a post-test based upon reading the text. There is no online material to read. After you pass the post-test, you may print out your own certificate.

This course meets the qualifications for 9 hours of continuing education

is approved by the
Association for Play Therapy
to offer continuing education specific to play therapy.
Our provider number is 02-117. This course offers 9 non-contact training hours.
www.psychceu.com maintains responsibility for the program.

Learning Objectives

In this 9 unit course clinicians will be able to:

  1. Describe the current applications of play therapy across settings and disorders.
  2. Explain the difference between client-centered and experiential play therapy.
  3. Acquire knowledge about the narrative (storymaking) intervention with children.
  4. Demonstrate the scientific evidence for play therapy’s effectiveness.
  5. Utilize play therapy with sexually abused children.
  6. Assess the therapeutic power of play with homeless children.
  7. Master the use “clay play” techniques in child therapy.
  8. Discuss the power of play to heal children traumatized by a natural disaster.

is approved by the:

APT - Association for Play Therapy (Non-contact hours) APT Approved Provider (#02-117)
CA BBS - California Board of Behavioral Science accepts our CE Provider Approvals through APA, NASW, and NBCC. Course meets the qualifications for hours of continuing education credit for LMFTs, LCSWs, LPCCs, and/or LEPs as required by the California Board of Behavioral Science
Florida Board of Clinical Social Work, Marriage and Family Therapy, Mental Health Counseling (BAP 753 )
NAADAC - The Association for Addiction Professionals (#575)
NBCC - National Board for Certified Counselors - www.psychceu.com has been approved by NBCC as an Approved Continuing Education Provider, ACEP No. 6055. Programs that do not qualify for NBCC credit are clearly identified. www.psychceu.com is solely responsible for all aspects of the programs. (ACEP #6055)
Texas State Board of Examiners of Professional Counselors (#1761)
The Texas Board of Social Work Examiners (#6246)

maintains responsibility for the program.





To receive credit students must

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  • Pass the post-test
  • Upon passing the test, print out your own certificate of completion!


Table of Contents

I. Theory
1. Object Relations Play Therapy: Applications to Attachment Problems and Relational Trauma, Helen E. Benedict
2. Experiential Play Therapy, Carol C. Norton and Byron E. Norton
3. Dynamic Play Therapy, Steve Harvey
4. Narrative Play Therapy, Ann Cattanach
II. Research
5. Evaluating the Effectiveness of Theraplay, Herbert H. G. Wettig, Ulrike Franke, and Bess Sirmon Fjordbak
6. Evidence-Based Play Therapy, Dee C. Ray
III. Applications
7. "I'm Rich": Play Therapy with Children Who Are Homeless, Jennifer Baggerly
8. Treatment of Sexually Abused Children, Mary Margaret Kelly and Hope C. Odenwalt
9. Play Therapy for Girls Displaying Social Aggression, Myra M. Lawrence, Kristin Condon, Kathryn S. Jacobi, and Emily Nicholson
10. Culturally Competent Play Therapy with the Mexican American Child and Family, Roberto Robles
11. CLAYtherapy: The Clinical Application of Clay with Children, Paul R. White
12. Time-Limited Play Therapy to Enhance Resiliency in Children, Debra May
13. Coping with Disaster: Psychosocial Interventions for Children in International Disaster Relief, Erika Felix, David Bond, and Janine Shelby


"We are never more fully alive, more completely ourselves, or more deeply engrossed in anything than when we are playing". Charles Schaefer


Charles E. Schaefer, PhD is considered by many to be the "Father of Play Therapy", and is the recipient of the Association for Play Therapy's Lifetime Achievement Award.He is Professor of Psychology at Fairleigh Dickinson University in Teaneck, New Jersey. An expert in the field of play therapy, he is the cofounder of the Association for Play Therapy and the founder and co-director of the Play Therapy Training Institute in New Jersey. Dr. Schaefer was presented with the Distinguished Service Award-International Association for Play Therapy in 1996, and the Distinguished Faculty Award For Research & Scholarship, Fairleigh Dickinson University in 1994.

Dr. Schaefer's legendary list of publications on child therapy and play therapy includes such classics as:

Ages & Stages: Tips and Techniques for Building Your Child's Social, Emotional, Interpersonal, and Cognitive Skills. John Wiley, 2000.
Game Play (2nd Edition). John Wiley, 2000.
Short-term Play Therapy for Children. Guilford, 2000.
Play Diagnosis and Assessment (2nd Edition), (Edited with K.G. Gitlin and A. Sandgrund), Wiley, 2000.
Short-Term Psychotherapy Groups for Children: Adapting Group Processes for Specific Problems. Jason Aronson, 1999.
Innovative Psychotherapy Techniques in Child & Adolescent Therapy (2nd Edition). John Wiley, 1999..
101 Favorite Play Therapy Techniques, Jason Aronson, 1997.
The Playing Cure: Individualized Play Therapy for Specific Childhood Problems (with H. Kaduson and D. Cangelosi), Jason Aronson, 1997.
Clinical Handbook of Sleep Disorders in Children, Jason Aronson, 1995.
Clinical Handbook of Anxiety Disorders in Children and Adolescents (with A. Eisen and C. Kearney), Jason Aronson, 1995.
Family Play Therapy (with L. Carey), Jason Aronson, 1994.
Handbook of Play Therapy (Vol. II) (with K. O'Connor), John Wiley, 1994.
Play Therapy Techniques (Edited with D. Cangelosi), Jason Aronson, 1993.
Therapeutic Powers of Play. (Editor)Jason Aronson, 1993.

Advances in Therapies for Children (with H. Millman),
Jossey-Bass, 1986.
Game Play: Therapeutic Use of Childhood Games (Edited with S. Reid), John Wiley, 1986.
Family Therapies Techniques for Problem Behaviors of Children and Teenagers. Jossey-Bass, 1982.
Handbook of Play Therapy (Edited with K. O'Connor), John Wiley, 1983.
Group Therapies for Children & Youth (with L. Johnson and J. Wherry), Jossey-Bass, 1982.
Therapies for Psychosomatic Disorders in Children (with H. Millman and G. Levine), Jossey-Bass, 1979.
Therapies for Children (with H. Millman), Jossey-Bass, 1977.
Therapeutic Use of Child's Play. (Editor), Jason Aronson, Inc. 1976.

Heidi Gerard Kaduson, PhD, specializes in evaluation and intervention services for children with a variety of behavioral, emotional, and learning problems. She is past president of the International Association for Play Therapy and codirector of Play Therapy Training Institute. She has lectured internationally on play therapy, attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder, and learning disabilities. Widely published, Dr. Kaduson maintains a private practice in child psychotherapy in Hightstown, New Jersey.

Empirically Based Play Interventions For Children

Foundations of Play Therapy

Play Therapy with Adults

Play Therapy with Adolescents

The Therapeutic Powers of Play


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APA Ethics

We do adhere to the American Psychological Association's Ethical Principles of Psychologists. Our courses are carefully screened by the Planning Committee to adhere to APA standards. We also require authors who compose Internet courses specifically for us follow APA ethical standards.

Many of our courses contain case material, and may use the methods of qualitative research and analysis, in-depth interviews and ethnographic studies. The psychotherapeutic techniques depicted may include play therapy, sandplay therapy, dream analysis, drawing analysis, client and therapist self-report, etc. The materials presented may be considered non-traditional and may be controversial, and may not have widespread endorsement within the profession. www.psychceu.com maintains responsibility for the program and its content.

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